Economical Roofing, energy efficient roof

Most Economical Roofing Solutions

Most Economical Roofing Solutions

There are a lot of different roofing options these days but one of the more popular is an energy efficient roof. Whether you’re choosing a roof for a newly constructed home or looking to replace your old roof with more energy efficient roofing materials, we’ll help you make decisions so you can cut your home energy consumption. You will need to weigh your options and consider a variety of factors. Not only does being more energy efficient help the environment as a whole, but it also can help you save money each month as nobody likes to spend more money then necessary on heat.

What Makes a Roof Energy Efficient?

Before you do anything, you need to find out what makes a roof more energy efficient than another. For a roof to be energy efficient, it needs to do a good job of keeping your home’s warm. When a roof’s insulation isn’t good, the heat will escape into the air causing energy to be lost and your heating bill to soar. As warm air rises, it’s the job of the roof to trap the warm air into the house. The type of material that your roof is made out of will be a large factor of how energy efficient your home will be.

Wooden Shingles

Shake shingles are made of wood and are very durable and can withstand strong winds and storms making them a good choice. They are very energy efficient as they allow better air circulation. They are also popular because they fit well in Vancouver’s west coast style.
The downside to wooden shingles is that there is more maintenance than asphalt. Rot and mold can create problems in shake shingles, especially in Vancouver’s climate.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are very popular in Vancouver because they are low maintenance and are relatively energy efficient roof. While Vancouver only has one bad storm every two years, homeowners need to keep in mind that asphalt shingles tend to become more easily damaged.

Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are rare in Vancouver and are generally recommended for homes in warm weathered regions like California. They are sturdy, light, and last on average fifty years without any major repair. They are made from materials like copper, steel, or aluminum. And they are thin enough that they do not absorb and retain heat from the sun which can be problematic in cold damp climates like Vancouver.

Tile Roofs

Tile roofs are great at regulating temperature, efficiently trapping heat during winter months and keep your home cool during summer days. Clay tiles are generally recommended for warmer climates because they can’t withstand hail and snow. However, in Vancouver you can get sturdier concrete tiles which are better suited for the city’s climate.
Unless tile roofs are damaged from an external force, tiles are extremely durable and long-lasting. A lot of century old houses in Europe have the same roof they had when first constructed. The roof’s underlayment however, needs some maintenance and periodic replacement. Especially if you want to keep your home insulated from the cold.

Concrete Roofing

While still rare in Vancouver, concrete is becoming a favourite roofing material option in areas that have colder climates. Concrete cement is mixed with fiber reinforcement for durability to withstand snow accumulation. And weight pressure making concrete a good choice for the most energy efficient roofing option. Concrete tiles are coated with plastic for durability and better heat trapping efficiency. The downside to concrete is that they are often the most expensive, but their durability and energy efficiency can pay for themselves.

Sprayed-On Foam Coating

Another option that doesn’t involve replacing your roof while still improving energy efficiency of your house is to coat your existing roof with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is mostly used in car seats, furniture and chairs but more recently is being used for other applications. Unfortunately, the spray foam works best on flat or low sloped roofs which are unusual in residential homes in Vancouver. However many commercial buildings use a polyurethane coating to help lower energy consumption.
An added benefit to polyurethane foam is that it blocks ultra violet rays of the sun. Adding a coat to your existing roof will not cost as much as replacing it with a more energy efficient roof. It is also lightweight, and as a result not a significant burden to your existing underlayment. Polyurethane foam spray should only be applied by professional roof contractors. Roofs need to be recoated between five to ten years.

Garden Roofs

An easy way to help insulate your roof and trap the warmth is to build a garden or cover your roof with plants. This can significantly lower your home cooling and heating energy expense. The plants will absorb most of the heat during summer, and it will give your home an additional layer of insulation to trap the heat during winter.
However the downside to using plants for insulation is that they are a lot of work and can be expensive. It is really only recommended for those who love to garden. You will need a structural engineer to assess the feasibility of a rooftop garden.  He or she will tell you if the roof’s foundation would be able to support your garden. Then a drainage system has to be installed for proper irrigation. Lastly you will also need to water and take care of your garden. But the energy saving and the fresh produce you can enjoy might compensate for the effort and initial expense.


With new innovations always on the horizon and improvements regularly made to existing energy efficient roof options. Homeowners should always research their options when replacing a roof or building a new structure. Carefully consider your needs and look for economical roofing materials. By understanding what energy efficient roofing materials available and how they absorb heat, you can make a positive impact on the environment and save money in the process. If you have any questions about materials or the environmental impact of roofing materials give us a call at Cambie Roofing and we’ll be happy to help you.

Originally published May 2019. Updated and republished Jan. 2024

Roofing Tips For The Winter, Roofing in Winter

Roofing Tips For The Winter

Winter is definitely here in Vancouver and as you all know, the harsh conditions can cause damage and decrease the longevity of your home’s roof. If your roof needs repairs, it’s generally better to do them in the drier months. In fact, most experts say the best time to do work on a roof is from July to August when the weather is best. In a perfect world, summer would be great to finish all those projects, but your roof doesn’t just leak during those months.
Moreover, In British Columbia, where the weather is often unpredictable, these ideal conditions can be few and far between. Most roofing companies have to consider how they can perform a roofing job in the winter, in less than ideal conditions.
While not always the best, roof construction and repair can be done in cold weather, as long as precautions are taken. In winter, roofers face a variety of challenges including:

  • Roofing materials don’t work quite as well as they do in moderate temperatures.
  • Shorter days give roofers less time to work which generally means the project takes longer.
  • Tools such as nail guns generally don’t work as well in the cold.
  • Snow and ice can create hazards or cover up dangers to roofers.

What to Expect When Roofing in Winter

Roofing in winter weather requires a lot more foresight, planning and safety precautions than summer days. Be aware that some companies will charge you up to 20% more for their services, while other companies will be looking for work and might give you a discount. Whatever you do, you should shop around and get between three to five quotes and ask them specifically about their winter work.

Winter Safety Is The Most Important

Safety is obviously the most important thing when it comes to roofing – no matter what time of year. Under no circumstances should you hire a company that doesn’t take safety serious as there are some unique cold weather issues to be aware of when doing winter roofing work.
For example, roof surfaces can become slippery thanks to snow, ice, and frost. A common winter problem is snow removal or de-icing of the roof surface must be done after a snowstorm. The roofers must take extra precaution and use specialized equipment, which they need to be trained on, along with increased monitoring while the removal is taking place.

Snow can also disguise dangers such as skylights, debris and other risks. The roofing contractor needs to pay close attention to where they walk to ensure they don’t accidentally step on or fall through a skylight or trip over hazards hidden under snow. Even on a freshly cleared roof, there may be black ice or frost build-up on the roof or deck surface, which can make work extremely dangerous. If the temperature is too cold and the snow and ice remain, it is best to wait until the weather warms up.
Another thing to do before getting a roofing contractor to work is to ensure that the attic space is adequately air-condition. Often, what appears to be a roof leak is actually condensation from interior air drifting up into a cold, improperly ventilated attic.

Working in the Winter

Working in cold, damp temperatures can put a strain on the body, making your heart and lungs work harder, while at the same time putting you at increased risk for hypothermia or frostbite. Be aware roofers, as mentioned before, will work shorter hours, and plan around the sunshine and weather forecasts. Be prepared for work stoppage and delays because of the weather.
Roof contractors should also wear warm clothing that is breathable but also provides an ample range of motion. If you notice that a roofer isn’t appropriately dressed, do not let them work.

The Weigh Of Your Roof

Another thing to consider is the extra weight that snow and ice can add to a roof. If you add a human’s weight into the mix, you can potentially be looking at serious injury. A roofer must ensure that the surface he is working on is sturdy and safe from collapse. An experienced roofer will test the structure before beginning to work on it to ensure that there is no danger from collapse.

Equipment and Materials

Now you know what to expect in the winter, you also have to keep in mind the quality of craftsmanship which can suffer if the roofer is inexperienced.

Asphalt shingles

The best temperatures to install asphalt shingles is between 4 and 26 degrees Celsius. If a roofer decides to install roofing shingles in cold weather below these temperatures, your shingles may become brittle and more prone to breakage. To prevent this, when working in below-zero temperatures, make sure the roofer stores your materials in a warm place until you need them. Shingles will mould to the shape of the surface they rest on, so if you are buying them before using them, keep them flat, stacked and raised on pallets so they don’t touch the ground. Be aware that a roofer should not work in below-zero temperatures unless it is an emergency situation that needs fixing.

Types of Roofing Materials

Most roofing organizations recommend using winter weather membranes to seal your eaves, valleys, skylights, and vents, rather than warm weather roll roofing, which can buckle or warp when applied in cold weather. When you choose to use any kind of felt or membrane, the roofer will roll it out in a staging area, away from the elements and allow it to relax before you apply. This will help reduce wrinkles caused by the weather.


The information in this blog is purposeful to be a starting point for cold weather roofing applications. Each situation is different and as always consult a professional roofer before starting. If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Cambie Roofing to schedule a free roofing estimate.


Preventative Maintenance 101

Preventative Maintenance 101

A well-maintained roof is the first line of defence for any home or business, protecting against the elements and ensuring structural integrity. Preventative maintenance plays a pivotal role in extending the lifespan of your roof, whether it’s brand new or has weathered the elements for years. In this comprehensive Preventative Maintenance 101 guide, we will explore the essential steps to maintain both new and old roofs, highlight common issues to look out for, and discuss when it’s time to call the professionals at Cambie Roofing for expert assistance.

Maintaining New Roofs:

Regular Inspections:

New roofs benefit greatly from regular inspections. Conduct a visual check to ensure there are no visible signs of damage, such as missing or damaged shingles. Early detection allows for prompt repairs, preventing issues from escalating.

Clearing Debris:

Keep the roof free of debris like leaves, branches, and dirt. Accumulated debris can lead to water pooling, which can compromise the structural integrity of the roof over time.

Gutter Maintenance:

Clean and inspect gutters regularly. Proper drainage is essential for preventing water damage. Ensure that gutters are free from debris and securely attached to the roof.

Trimming Overhanging Branches:

Trim branches that hang over the roof. Falling branches can cause damage, and overhanging branches provide easy access for pests like squirrels to access the roof.

Maintaining Old Roofs:

Thorough Inspections:

Regular and thorough inspections are even more crucial for older roofs. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracked or curling shingles, sagging areas, or water stains on the ceiling.

Sealing and Coating:

Consider applying a protective sealant or coating to extend the life of an old roof. This can provide an additional layer of protection against the elements.

Addressing Leaks Promptly:

If you notice any signs of leaks or water damage inside your home, address them promptly. Water infiltration can lead to serious issues, including mold growth and structural damage.

Replacing Damaged Shingles:

Replace any damaged or missing shingles immediately. Damaged shingles compromise the integrity of the roof and can lead to more extensive issues if not addressed promptly.

Common Roofing Issues to Look Out For:


Leaks are a common issue and can result from various factors, including damaged flashing, missing shingles, or worn-out sealant around roof penetrations. Regular inspections can help identify and address leaks before they cause significant damage.

Mold and Mildew:

The presence of mold and mildew can indicate moisture-related issues. Proper ventilation and addressing leaks promptly can help prevent the growth of mold and protect indoor air quality.

Poor Drainage:

Inadequate drainage can lead to water pooling on the roof, increasing the risk of leaks and water damage. Ensure that gutters are functioning correctly, and downspouts direct water away from the foundation.

Wind and Storm Damage:

High winds and storms can cause significant damage to roofs, including lifting or tearing off shingles. After severe weather events, conduct a thorough inspection to assess any potential damage.

When to Call the Professionals at Cambie Roofing:

Extensive Damage:

If you notice extensive damage to your roof, including large areas of missing or damaged shingles, it’s time to call in the professionals. Attempting to repair significant damage without the necessary expertise can lead to further issues.

Persistent Leaks:

Persistent leaks that are challenging to locate or fix may require the expertise of roofing professionals. They have the tools and knowledge to identify and address complex leaks efficiently.

Aging Roof:

If your roof is reaching the end of its expected lifespan, it’s advisable to consult with professionals. They can assess the overall condition of the roof and recommend whether repairs or a replacement is the best course of action.

Professional Inspections:

Regular professional inspections, ideally performed annually, can identify potential issues before they escalate. Professionals at Cambie Roofing can provide a comprehensive assessment of your roof’s health and recommend preventative measures.


Preventative maintenance is the key to ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your roof, whether it’s a new installation or has stood the test of time. Regular inspections, addressing issues promptly, and enlisting the help of professionals like Cambie Roofing when needed are essential steps in maintaining a durable and resilient roof. By following these Preventative Maintenance 101 guidelines, you can protect your investment, enhance the overall safety of your property, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained roof. Cambie will be going in depth about preventative maintenance in upcoming articles because we want our readers to understand how important it is to properly maintain their roofs. Reach out to us today if you have any questions.

providing free estimates

Providing Free Estimates

Providing free estimates

Nestled in the heart of Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie Roofing isn’t just a roofing company – it’s a symbol of reliability and excellence. Our dedication to professionalism, attention to detail, and trustworthiness is epitomized through the practice of offering free estimates. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why choosing a roofer that provides free estimates, like Cambie Roofing, is essential. Additionally, we’ll shed light on some of the most common findings during the estimate process, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to customer service, competitive pricing, and quality workmanship.

Comprehensive Understanding Through Free Estimates:

Choosing a roofer that provides free estimates is a prudent decision for homeowners and businesses alike. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the scope and cost of a roofing project, empowering clients to make informed decisions. Cambie Roofing’s free estimates serve as a detailed roadmap, providing clarity on necessary repairs, drainage solutions, or maintenance requirements for both residential and commercial projects.

Identifying Potential Issues:

During the estimate process, Cambie Roofing’s experienced team often identifies common roofing issues that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. From leaks and water damage to deteriorating shingles and structural concerns, our free estimates are not just about pricing; they serve as a diagnostic tool. This proactive approach enables us to address potential issues early on, preventing more extensive damage and costly repairs in the future.

Tailored Solutions for Different Roof Types:

Every roof is unique, and Cambie Roofing recognizes the importance of providing tailored solutions for different roof types. Whether it’s a sloped residential roof or a flat commercial roof made from various materials, our free estimates take into account the specific needs and challenges associated with each type. This ensures that our clients receive personalized recommendations and accurate cost assessments based on the characteristics of their roofing system.

Transparent Communication:

Choosing a roofer that offers free estimates is synonymous with transparent communication. At Cambie Roofing, we believe in keeping our clients well-informed throughout the estimation process. Our team explains the findings in a clear and understandable manner, discussing identified issues, proposed solutions, and associated costs. This transparency builds trust and allows clients to make decisions based on accurate information.

Cost-Efficiency and Budget Planning:

One of the practical advantages of opting for a roofer that provides free estimates is the opportunity for cost-efficiency and effective budget planning. Cambie Roofing’s competitive pricing, coupled with detailed estimates, allows clients to plan their roofing projects with confidence. Knowing the anticipated costs upfront enables homeowners and businesses to allocate resources efficiently and avoid unexpected financial surprises.

The Cambie Roofing Experience: Over 75 Years of Excellence

Cambie Roofing’s journey spans over 75 years, representing a legacy of excellence and a commitment to delivering top-notch roofing solutions. Our wealth of experience not only ensures the highest standards of craftsmanship but also positions us as leaders in the industry. Throughout our storied history, we’ve honed our skills, embraced evolving technologies, and maintained an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction.

Why Choose Cambie Roofing?


With over 75 years in the industry, Cambie Roofing brings unparalleled expertise to every project. Our seasoned professionals understand the intricacies of different roofing systems and materials, ensuring that each estimate is a product of extensive knowledge and experience.

Local Understanding:

Situated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie Roofing possesses a deep understanding of the local climate and its impact on roofs. This localized knowledge allows us to tailor our solutions, ensuring that your roofing project is equipped to withstand the specific challenges posed by the environment such as long periods of heavy rainfall.

Innovation and Tradition:

Cambie Roofing seamlessly blends innovation with tradition. While our techniques are cutting-edge, our commitment to traditional values like honesty, integrity, and quality workmanship remains unwavering. This fusion sets us apart, providing clients with modern solutions anchored in time-tested principles.


Cambie Roofing stands as a testament to the benefits of choosing a roofer that stands proud on providing free estimates. Beyond the cost evaluation, our free estimates offer a comprehensive understanding of the project, identify potential issues early on, and provide tailored solutions for different roof types. With transparent communication, competitive pricing, and over 75 years of experience, Cambie Roofing is the trusted choice for those seeking professionalism, attention to detail, and quality workmanship in their roofing projects. Our legacy speaks for itself – a legacy built on excellence, trust, and a commitment to exceeding expectations. Choose Cambie Roofing for a roofing experience that combines tradition with innovation, ensuring the longevity and resilience of your home or business.

ways winter impacts your roof

Ways winter impacts your roof

Ways Winter Impacts Your Roof

As winter descends upon the northern landscapes of Canada, homeowners face a unique set of challenges in ensuring their abodes stand resilient against the season’s frosty grip. Among the vulnerable components of a home, the roof stands as a silent sentinel, combating heavy snow loads, freezing temperatures, and a myriad of winter-related adversities. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the manifold ways winter impacts your roof and unveil effective solutions to safeguard your home during the colder months.

Heavy Snowfall and Structural Stress:

The picturesque snowfall that blankets your home can be enchanting, but beneath its beauty lies a potential threat. The accumulation of heavy snow on your roof poses a significant risk to its structural integrity. The sheer weight of the snow can stress the roofing materials and framing, leading to potential damage or, in extreme cases, collapse. This risk is especially pronounced for flat or low-pitched roofs. To mitigate this threat, proactive snow removal becomes crucial. Consider using a roof rake to safely clear excess snow or, for larger tasks, ask the professionals at Cambie Roofing for a snow removal referral, to alleviate the burden and preserve your roof’s resilience.

Ice Dams and Water Intrusion:

Winter’s fluctuating temperatures contribute to the formation of ice dams along the roof’s edge. These dams obstruct the natural drainage of melting snow, creating pools of water that may seep into your home, causing water damage. Proper insulation and ventilation in the attic are paramount to counter this issue. By maintaining a consistent temperature on the roof, you can thwart the conditions conducive to ice dam formation and prevent potential water intrusion. Adequate insulation also helps to minimize heat loss, reducing the risk of ice damming.

Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Shingle Vulnerability:

Winter’s relentless freeze-thaw cycles pose a unique threat to roofing materials, particularly shingles. The constant contraction and expansion can render shingles brittle, leading to cracks and vulnerabilities. A thorough pre-winter roof inspection is paramount to identify any compromised shingles and address them promptly. This proactive measure ensures your roof remains steadfast against the elements. Consider investing in high-quality shingles designed to withstand the rigours of winter, providing an added layer of protection.

Condensation Challenges and Attic Health:

Condensation and moisture issues within the attic space escalate during winter. Inadequate insulation allows warm air from your living spaces to infiltrate the attic, where it meets the cold roof surface, leading to condensation. This moisture can foster mold growth and compromise your roof’s structural integrity over time. Prioritize proper attic insulation and ventilation to create a barrier against these winter-induced challenges. Adequate ventilation allows for proper airflow, preventing the buildup of excess moisture and maintaining a healthy attic environment.

Gutter and Downspout Conundrums:

Winter poses unique challenges for gutters and downspouts, often leading to freezing and blockages. When not addressed, these issues can impede proper water drainage, causing potential damage. Regularly clearing debris from gutters and ensuring downspouts remain unobstructed are essential preventive measures. This not only protects your roof but also safeguards your home’s foundation from water-related issues. Consider installing gutter guards to minimize the accumulation of debris, reducing the need for frequent cleanings.

Final Thoughts

As winter casts its wintry spell, understanding the nuanced impact on your roof is crucial for homeowners in Canada. By proactively addressing the challenges of heavy snow loads, ice dams, freeze-thaw cycles, condensation, and gutter issues, you can fortify your roof against the elements. Embrace these solutions to ensure your home stands resilient and secure throughout the winter, weathering the challenges with grace and strength. A well-prepared roof not only preserves the structural integrity of your home but also provides peace of mind as you navigate the colder months with confidence.

Winterizing your roof in Canada.

Winterizing your roof in Canada

Winterizing your roof in Canada

Winter has arrived and in Canada which means some homeowners will face challenges associated with unforgiving weather conditions. The roof, being the first line of defense against snow, ice, and freezing temperatures, requires special attention to ensure it can withstand the harsh elements. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the essential steps for winterizing your roof in Canada, offering detailed insights and tips, particularly tailored for the challenging winter.

Inspect and Repair Roof Damage:

The importance of a meticulous roof inspection cannot be overstated. Begin by examining the overall condition of your roof, paying close attention to any visible damage. Cracked or missing shingles, loose flashing, and compromised seals around vents and chimneys should be promptly addressed. Repairing these issues before winter sets in is critical to preventing further damage caused by the weight of snow and the freezing temperatures.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts:

Gutters and downspouts are vital components of your roofing system, directing water away from your home. Neglecting their maintenance can lead to clogs and ice dams during winter. Before the first snowfall, take the time to clean gutters and downspouts thoroughly. This will ensure proper water drainage and minimize the risk of ice-related problems on your roof.

Install Ice and Water Shield:

For added protection in regions experiencing severe winter conditions, consider installing an ice and water shield beneath your roofing material. This waterproof membrane acts as an additional barrier against ice dams, safeguarding your home from potential water infiltration. This is not always necessary but if you are replacing your roof, you could benefit from an added layer of protection. The experts here at Cambie Roofing can provide a free estimate and can inform you on whether or not this is necessary.

Trim Overhanging Branches:

Overhanging branches laden with snow and ice can pose a threat to your roof during winter storms. Trim branches that extend over your roof to prevent breakage and minimize the risk of damage caused by falling debris.

Insulate Attic and Ventilation:

A well-insulated attic is crucial for maintaining a consistent temperature on your roof. Inadequate insulation can result in heat escaping, leading to uneven melting and the formation of ice dams. Ensure your attic is properly insulated and well-ventilated to regulate temperature and moisture, reducing the likelihood of condensation and mold growth.

Check for Leaks and Seal Gaps:

Leaks and drafts in your attic can contribute to heat loss, exacerbating the risk of ice dams. Conduct a thorough inspection of your attic for any signs of water intrusion. Seal gaps and cracks in the attic floor, walls, and around openings such as vents and chimneys to maintain a tight thermal envelope.

Consider Snow and Ice Removal:

In areas prone to heavy snowfall, consider proactive snow and ice removal from your roof. Using a roof rake or enlisting the services of snow removal professionals can prevent the accumulation of excessive snow, reducing the risk of overloading and potential structural damage.

Contact Cambie for an Inspection

If you’re uncertain about your roofing system’s condition or lack the expertise to perform a comprehensive inspection, the experts at Cambie Roofing have more than 75 years of experience and can offer top of the line advice following a comprehensive inspection. We can identify potential issues and provide expert recommendations to ensure your roof is well-prepared for the challenges of the Canadian winter.

Final thoughts

Winterizing your roof in Canada is a multifaceted task that requires attention to detail and proactive measures to fortify your home against the rigors of winter. By following these extensive tips and recommendations, particularly tailored for the Canadian climate, you can ensure that your roof remains resilient and your home stays protected throughout the winter months. Taking the time to invest in these preventative measures will not only safeguard your property but also contribute to a more comfortable and worry-free winter living experience.

The Importance of Roof Maintenance

The importance of roof maintenance

The importance of roof maintenance

There is more to roof maintenance than simply cleaning the gutters. You should pay close attention to your roof especially if it is over 20 years old or exhibiting signs of wear or damage. Thankfully if a roof has a bit of damage then it can be quickly addressed without much expense from an experienced roofing contractor.  It is very important not to ignore small leaks or other water damage as these problems will eventually quickly grow into big, more expensive problems if left unattended. In this article we are going to talk about the importance of roof maintenance, how to clean your roof, the benefits of a clean roof and how to effectively inspect your roof.

Regular roof maintenance is just as important for your home as it is for a person to get a regular physical checkup, especially as age increasingly becomes a factor. Roof maintenance ensures that your home remains strong and is capable of withstanding Vancouver’s heavy rain and harsh weather conditions.

Did you know your roof expands and contracts when the weather temperature changes? As a roof constantly shrinks and expands there is greater chance for cracks to develop and damage shingles. This in turn provides a greater opportunity for water to seep in between the cracks and cause damage to your home.

The Importance of Roof Maintenance

Failure to repair roof damage or putting it off will only likely lead to more expensive repairs or even replacement down the road. In addition, failing to fix your roof is a sure way to shorten its lifespan.
But how do you maintain your roof? We have put together some tips to help you prolong the lifespan of your roof and get the most out of it.

How To Clean Your Roof

A homeowner can tell when the outside of their home is dirty and is in need of cleaning. The paint is peeling or there is moss growing on the side. Keeping your roof clean and free of dirt, and grime is not only important for visual attractiveness, but it also extends the life of your roof and increases the resale value. You may only see part of your roof from your lawn and is hard to inspect. However, just like the side of your home, the roof needs to be well maintained and cleaned as a part of regular maintenance schedule.

Because climbing on your roof is dangerous, it’s best to contact a trusted roofing contractor to both clean and inspect the roof for you. Never try to clean or repair your roof yourself. The most common issue with a dirty roof is algae, fungus and moss which can be difficult to get off. While debris can easily collect, it most likely won’t be an issue. However when a living organism takes root on your roof it can damage the integrity of your roof.

Benefits of a Clean Roof

New roofs have great look great and are great if you’re trying to sell your home but what about that same roof, ten or twenty years down the line? Your roof doesn’t look so great and becomes a liability instead of an asset.
A well-maintained roof protects your family from the wind, rain and snow. If you want it to keep doing its job, you’ll need to do regular maintenance on it to ensure that there is no sign of damage. Usually people only inspect their roof after a major wind or snow storm. However, it’s best to have a scheduled six-month inspection to find out any problems before they become major issues.

The important thing to remember is that inspecting a roof needs to be done both from the ground and on top on the roof. You can do the ground inspection, however you should hire a roofing contractor to climb up on the roof and inspect close up. From the ground, you can see look out for general problems or potential dangers and how your roof looks. A roofing contractor, once he or she is on top of the roof, will find details that you cannot see from the ground. There are a couple parts to your roof, such as flashing and shingles, that require closer inspection.

How To Inspect Your Roof

You’ll need to look for signs of cracked or broken singled. Use binoculars to look for damage when you’re inspecting your roof from the ground. Missing shingles are easy enough to find, while rust or moss can sometimes be difficult to detect. Other signs that your roof needs some repairs are if shingles start curling or buckle. These are warning signs that you have a problem and you will most likely have a leak if you don’t get them fixed.

Minor repairs like replacing a shingle or resealing some flashing are small fixes. For major problems like damage to an entire section of roof, it can be a little costlier. Taking on any type of roofing project is dangerous and should only be handled by professionals. Even if it is a small fix, don’t try it yourself.

The presence of invasive organisms like moss, algae, or lichens onto your roof can surprisingly cause a lot of damage. These tiny organisms may seem insignificant and may be easy to ignore but always know what to look out for.
Moss: is a plant that has a shallow root system and requires a lot of moisture to survive. It can thrive on the side of a roof that doesn’t get much sun. In addition moss can cast spores which can easily spread and grow, causing more damage.
Algae: is a type of bacteria that you will find on your roof. It feeds off of both asphalt and limestone in moist and shaded areas, making roofs a prime growing spot. If you’re not carefully, algae will quickly spread and cause trouble.
Lichens: are a type of fungus similar to algae. They form a branching growth of tentacles that penetrate deep into the shingle’s base which can cause cracks and other damage if left untreated.


Cambie Roofing is a professional roofing company that serves the Vancouver area. We work hard to provide the best quality service and our goal is ensuring you are 100 percent satisfied. If your roof is in need of an inspection or a repair, contact us today and we can provide you with a free estimate.

Originally published May 2018,
Updated and republished Oct. 2023.

Metal Sheet Roofing Performance in Vancouver

Vancouver roofing and metal sheet performance

Vancouver roofing and metal sheet performance

You If you’re considering installing a metal roof for your home, it’s important to look at its benefits and drawbacks. You most probably are not fully aware of the metal sheet roofing performance, and you need to contrast them against other common types of roof materials. Well done! You have landed to the right place. We have broken down the pros and cons so you can make the right decision for your home.

Metal Roofing Benefits

Metal roof has a longer life expectancy than other types of roofs. Properly installed, a metal roof should last as long as the house, sealing out water, surviving high winds, and easily shedding snow. Metal is also resistant to fire, mildew, insects, and rot.

Warranties vary widely, but most companies back their products for 20 to 50 years. The performance of a metal flashing directly correlates to:

  • Type of metal or alloy incorporated
  • Thickness or weight of the material
  • Protective coating applied.

Metal roofs are lightweight when you compare them with tile at 750 pounds per square or concrete tile at 900 pounds per square. Most varieties run from 50 to 150 pounds per square.
For a sheet metal roof, a waterproof membrane must be installed prior to the installation of metal flashings as a part of the metal flashing detail. To prevent leakage, contractors must install metal flashings in a manner that will ensure water sheds away from the seams.
The leading causes of leakage from sheet metal flashings include the absence of a waterproof membrane under the flashings and poor transitional detailing.
Most metal flashing installers have little knowledge of waterproof membranes or transitional detailing. An experienced roofer will install the waterproof membranes so you don’t have to worry about any leakage.

Metal Sheet Performance

Some types of metal roofing materials may be applied over an existing roof without the need to tare or add additional structural support. In fact, if you’re building a house or an addition, you can often downsize or reduce the number of roof support members.
Most metal roofing materials come in multiple-shingle sections or in 12- to 36-inch-wide panels. An experienced roofer can install these quickly.
Metal flashings are fabricated from a variety of metals and alloys: Galvanized Steel, Galvalume, Zinc, Copper. The coatings used to provide rust protection include baked enamel, silicon, and kevlar among others.
Steel and aluminum are by far the most common and sensible of available roofing materials because they are economical, hold paint finishes well, and are durable.
Aluminum is a relatively soft metal, so it is more prone to denting and damage and it is also more expensive than steel. On the flip side, aluminum won’t corrode the way steel can if the finish is compromised.
To resist wind uplift forces, installers use metal clips and concealed fasteners to secure the flashings to the building during the installation process.
Also, metal flashing details are only one part of the buildings envelope and must be incorporated into the design of transitional details. This procedure ensure the building’s protection from wind and rain.

Metal Sheet Roofing is Environmentally Friendly

Metal roofs offer substantial household energy savings and much lower lifetime costs when compared to other roofing materials. Same, Metal roofs are manufactured from as much as 60 % recycled materials and the extended lifespan translates to significant waste reduction.

Drawbacks of a Metal Roof

The variables that go into metal roofing prices are many, so much so that it is not possible to quote an exact price without a detailed inspection first. Factors like current roof condition, shape, and slope all affect price. Also, property location and roof accessibility are important considerations.
Cost can also be quite high for getting a metal roof installed compared to other roofing materials.
Labour of course is also a major factor when looking at a metal roof. However since they don’t take as long to install as a traditional roof made of asphalt or tile, the labour won’t be that expensive.
However, since metal roofs are uncommon, you should ask the roofer if they have experience installing such a roof before. You don’t want an inexperienced roofer trying to learn on your home. It can cost you time and more money than you expected.

Choosing a Look for Metal Sheets

If you do go for a metal roof, the last thing you need to consider is look. When installing a metal roof, you’ll first want to determine the fundamental design you want it to have. Residential metal roofing comes in two basic forms that are very different in appearance – sheet-like panels and shingles. Within these two categories, there are many variations, colors, and pattern.

The most familiar pattern of panel-style metal roofing, the “standing-seam roofing,” raises at every 6 or 12 inches. They are applied vertically on a roof and doesn’t attempt to look like anything other than what it is.
It has a decidedly commercial look that is favored by architects for its clean, contemporary appearance. For this reason, most modern homeowners choose them to garnish a true variety of homes, from mountain cabins to modern masterpieces. Yet, they look very out-of-place on a Colonial home.

Metal shingle-style roofing is quite different than sheet roofing. With this style, metal sheets form shapes that imitate Spanish tile, wood shakes, or slate. These shingles are typically given multiple-layer factory finishes that may include granulated-stone topcoats to complete the realistic effect.

Wraping it up

If you’re considering a metal roofing upgrade, you have probably done a search online, only to find that most metal roofing companies shy away from the topic of pricing.
In an effort to help property owners get a good idea of the metal sheets performance and their cost-benefit ratio, we suggest you give us a call at 604-261-1111 and we can guide you through the entire process.

Originally published Sept. 2017.
Updated and republished Sept. 2023.

Repair vs Replace Your Roofing

Repair vs Replace Your Roofing

Repair vs Replace Your Roofing

Roofing is one of those tasks like replacing the alternator on your car – nobody wants to do it but sooner or later it has to get done. After all there are so many more fun tasks to be done around the home that are so much more satisfactory. Let’s see the difference between ” Repair vs Replace Your Roofing”
Roofs are prime targets for procrastination– what you can’t see doesn’t matter, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t true and those leaks, missing tiles and other issues have started to pile up so you might be wondering whether its’ time to fix them or invest in a new roof all together.

The question of whether to repair or replace isn’t always an easy one to answer because there a number of different factors to consider which we will cover in the blog post. The big one of course, is always the cost but before we get to that one, there are a few other things.

What Are My Plans For Your Home?

This is probably the most important question to ask yourself before spending money on your roof. Do you plan on spending a long time in your home or do you intend to sell it in the next couple of years? Nothing can stop a sale faster than a roof that’s in bad shape and in desperate need of replacement. Even if you’re pricing the home relatively modestly for roofing repairs, many people don’t want to deal with the hassle or stress of replacing the roof. Making an investment in your roof can actually help your property sell faster and get a higher value for it – more than the cost of replacement.

While an old roof can scare off potential buyers quickly, a new roof can just as quickly attract plenty of hopefuls. For those looking to move into a new property, not having to immediately invest in something major like a new roof is a huge benefit.

If you want to retire in your home and don’t mind waiting or dealing with the headaches that come with an old, damaged roof then you might want to consider putting off spending money on a new room. A word of warning, however: be prepared for the fallout that comes with not upgrading your roof including major water damage.

What Is The Nature Of The Damage?

The first question you need to ask is what is the extent of the damage to the roof. A single missing shingle or a small leak can be easy to fix. In fact, the sooner you do so, the less likely the damage will spread and will cost more.
Larger problems that are more widespread like a large hole or a leak that is flowing can be your signal that a roof replacement will soon be in order.

Visually inspecting your roof from both the inside and the outside can tell you just about everything you need to know about its condition. Start outside from the curb in front of your house. And look for any visible locations where the tiles or shingles are damage or missing. These areas are major weak points in your roof’s ability to withstand another winter and are most likely the sites of leaks that could be causing discolouration or signs of water damage on your ceilings.

Once you’ve checked around the outside of your house, climb up into your attic and take a look. You should be checking for any wet spots or water. Water damage can be a real problem as it can cause havoc both on your roof and the interior or your home. Signs of water intrusion include wood rot, mold and mildew growth. Another thing to look out for could be small cracks where light is shining through. Ultimately, you will need to get a roofer to take a look and give your professional opinion on whether or not these cracks, water damage, or mold warrant a new roof or if they can be patched up.

How Old Is the Roof?

Your roof’s age is another large factor in whether you should repair it or replace it. If your roof is still on the newer side, then repairing it is probably the better way to go. However, if your roof is old and has fallen into a state that no amount of repairing will really salvage, then replacing is definitely the optimal choice.

The expected lifespan of your roof depends on the material it’s built from. For example, in Vancouver asphalt shingles are common because they are inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to repair, but generally only have a lifespan of about 15 years. On the other hand, tiles, clay, and aluminum are much harder, more durable, and resistant to natural hazards and can last between 30 and 50 years or more in most cases. If your roof is approaching this age, then it may be time to consider replacing your roof and starting new.

What Is The Cost Difference?

Cost is obviously the first question wonder, but it shouldn’t be the major factor behind your decision making. If you’re a home owner you should be putting money away in a renovations fund each month to prepare for things like roof repair or roof replacement. If you don’t have the money, it’s not a good idea to go into debt to replace your roof unless it’s going to cause a large amount of damage to the interior of your home.


So, I hope you get an idea after this comparison “Repair vs Replace Your Roofing”. Unfortunately no roofing system lasts forever. Particularly in a climate as diverse as Vancouver’s’ and will eventually have to be replace. However, as a home owner, you should be able to stretch the lifespan for as long as possible. Roofing systems are important to the structure and protection of your home. It’s what keeps you dry, warm and safe from the elements. If you notice leaks, broken shingles or other problems with your roof, contact Cambie Roofing, a family owned & operated local roofing contractor with decades of experience in residential and commercial roofing. We’ll evaluate your roofing system and recommend whether you should repair or replace your roof.

Originally published 2019.
Updated and republished July 2023.

The Importance Of Roof Repair

The Importance Of Roof Repair

When you wake up after a particularly hard rainfall, the last thing you want to hear is the dripping sound of water leaking into a room from your roof. A roof is an often overlooked component of your home’s structure, even as it’s one of the most important aspects. A good roof keeps Vancouver’s famous rain from getting in and damaging the interior of your home. Let’s see below The Importance Of Roof Repair.

Roof Maintenance

Replacing a roof is a major expense that, of course, no one wants to shell out money for. Thankfully, if you maintain your roof and get regular inspections it is something you shouldn’t have to more than once or maybe twice in a lifetime.
Depending on the type of roof, it can last anywhere between 30 to 70 years. And is easily replaced if well maintained, but a roof that’s been neglected can lead to finding a lot of new problems with your home. When you put off roof repairs, they continue to get worse and deteriorate over time to the point that you’re forced to purchase a new roof far sooner than you should.
Unfortunately, most people don’t think about a roof until it’s too late and in need or a repair. We’ve put together somethings you should know about roof repair so when those leaks do occur, you know what to do.

Don’t Ignore Small Problems

We all tend to procrastinate but it’s important not to ignore small leaks, rot or mold. These issues will only get bigger (and more expensive) over time. As we’ve previously stated, it often doesn’t take a lot for those small problems to balloon into bigger ones and become full-blown emergencies.
When a homeowner only sees a small leak, what he or she may fail to realize is that the problem is rarely limited to just that leak. Moisture damage and rot can cause water to leak into the walls and floorboards causing major damage. Water can also damage your home’s insulation and electrical systems, not only causing structural issues but even fire hazards.

Knowing When It is Time For a Roof Check

You should always know how old your roof is. If you didn’t replace it yourself, try and track down the previous owner or real estate agent. And ask him or her when they last redid the roof. Next, you should figure out when it should be replaced and budget accordingly. For example, asphalt shingle roofs last between 20-25 years while metal ones last up to 40-60 years on average. If your roof is somewhere in between, it’s the best time to do some checking so you can plan ahead.

Repair or Replace Your Roof?

When a homeowner spots a leak, they will have to figure out if they can simply repair the roof or if it needs to be completely replaced. Of course, with any roof issues, there usually needs to be a big problem for it to be worth while to rip it up in its entity. To answer this question you’ll need to ask a reputable roofer with years of experience. Don’t try and figure out how much damage is done by yourself. Without experience, you most likely won’t be able to get to the root of the problem.

Resell Value

If you’re considering selling your home, you’ll really want to put some effort into fixing your roof. The condition of your roof is one of the first questions a potential homebuyer is going to ask. And it gives them a really good bargaining chip to lower the price. An old, neglected roof is very apparent to any real estate agent and will likely use it to his or her advantage.

Inspection of Other Areas

After checking inside and outside of your home, you will need someone to look closer into other areas of your roofing system. We advice you to call an experienced roofing contractor like Cambie Roofing for a comprehensive inspection. Cambie Roofing will inspect the gutters, drains. And remove any debris.  Next the roofing contractor will inspected the seals to see if the water goes to the drain.
The next areas to inspect are the flashings, roof edges, terminations, and expansion and control joints. As a trusted roofing contractor, we are aware that problems are likely to be found in these areas. There should not be any cracks or splits. At Cambie Roofing, we will also look for split, cracked, or broken shingles.

The Importance of Roof Repairs

We understand that roof repair can be a pain and isn’t something that you can do yourself. And of all the maintenance work that a homeowner has to do, home roof repair is one of the most important but also the least thought about. Nobody likes to think about it. However, a well-maintained roof will keep your family safe and dry.
If you are in need of a local roof contractor or just need some help figuring out the best way to maintain your roof, give us a call. It can be a challenge for a homeowner to stay on top of everything they need to, but this is why we should do regular checkups so you don’t have to think about it. Contact Cambie Roofing today for a free inspection.