
What is the most popular style of roofing and why?

What is the most popular style of roofing and why?

Choosing the perfect style of roof for your home can be a tedious task, especially when it comes to where you live and what climates your home will be faced with. You want to make sure the roof you pick is durable and long lasting but also affordable and stylish! However, your budget will ultimately determine what style of roof you end up with even if it wasn’t your first choice. Today we’re going to dive into the most popular style of roofing: asphalt shingles and why they’re by far the most commonly chosen.

Asphalt shingles have been around since the early 1900’s after being invented by a man named Henry Reynolds from Grand Rapids, Michigan. History suggests that asphalt shingles were first created in 1903, were used generally throughout parts of the United States by 1911 and quickly became produced in the millions by 1939. Asphalt shingles became popular throughout efforts to eliminate wood shingles which were massive fire hazards. Today, asphalt shingles are by far the most commonly used across North America. But why?


Asphalt shingles are extremely cost effective which is why they’re so popular. For years now people have chosen this style of roofing because purchasing the supplies and paying for the installation is easy on the wallet. The average cost of asphalt shingles can range anywhere from $3.00 to $5.50 per square foot but costs do vary. So if your home’s roof area is in the 2,000 square feet range, you’re only paying between $6,000 and $11,000. (Please note this is only an average estimate and numbers can vary).

Easy and fast installation

Because asphalt shingles are so popular, getting your hands on them isn’t a difficult task and most roofing companies are well versed in installing them. As a result, getting them ordered for your home whether you’re replacing an old existing roof or you’re building a new home is easy. Just another reason why you might consider asphalt shingles for your upcoming project.

Advanced technology

Asphalt shingles have come a long way since they were first created. Today, there are two main types including fiberglass and organic asphalt shingles. Fiberglass shingles are obviously made using a fiberglass base which is then coated with the asphalt. This makes these shingles waterproof and durable while protecting your home. On the other hand, organic style asphalt shingles are made from recycled substances like paper. The base of the shingle is put together using these materials before it is layered with the asphalt. This too ensures the shingles are waterproof before being installed on your home. Additionally, the organic asphalt shingles are an eco-friendly alternative if you’re looking to make less of an environmental impact.


Asphalt shingles are an inexpensive choice but this also comes with some downfalls. The lifespan of this style can be between 10 and 25 years, sometimes more. As already mentioned, climate and location are two factors that will help determine how long your asphalt shingles last before needing to be replaced. Despite this, they are still the most popular style of roofing chosen because the positives outweigh the negatives. While these shingles are considered easy to install, it is still a good idea to consider using a professional roofing company. But, if you do decide to try it out for yourself, there is a ton of information online to help guide you through the steps.

As we’re sharing this information from Canada today, we know asphalt shingles are the go to choice for most Canadians. It comes down to cost and our harsh climates. These shingles can withstand freezing temperatures and hail storms. They are also fire resistant which is something to consider when installing your roof, especially if your geographic location is prone to extreme weather conditions such as high winds and scorching temperatures. And if you’ve decided that asphalt shingles are the right choice for you, you’ll be pleased to know that their styles and colours have transformed over the years to include a wide range of profiles to give off any look you’re trying to achieve on your budget! If you want to learn more about roofing styles and asphalt shingles in particular, contact our specialists at Cambie Roofing today.

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