Solar panel roofing

Solar panel roofing

Solar Panel Roofing

Utilizing renewable energy sources has become a massive focus in recent years throughout all construction sectors, including roofing. Many homeowners are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints. One of the most popular ways of doing this is investing in solar panel roofing.

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating your current roof, solar panel roofing could be a very viable option if you’re looking to enter the sustainable roofing world. Not only are solar panels good for generating clean energy, they can also help you achieve a sleek and unique look when designing the roof of your home.

What are solar panels?

Solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells, also known as PV. These cells have one job – to convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are typically made from semiconductors like silicon. Once sunlight hits them, they absorb photons (light particles) before generating electric currents. Usually the average home can rely solely on solar energy from these cells for all electricity needs. In simple terms, this process is called the photovoltaic effect.

How does it work?

After a solar panel has absorbed light particles from the sun, it activates the electrons inside of the PV cells. This process starts the PV effect and in turn creates energy. The cells break away from their atomic bonds and work together to create a useable amount of energy. Once this occurs, the electricity becomes a ‘direct current,’ also known as DC. DC cannot be used as is within our homes, so it must be converted. In order to do this, the solar panel uses an inverter. This converts the DC into an alternating current (AC). AC’s can function with regular electrical systems that are found within residential and commercial properties.

Because the solar panels are hooked up to your home’s electrical panel, electricity will start generating right away. If your solar panel system generates too much electricity for your home to use at a given time, it can be saved by being transferred back into the system. This is called net metering which ensures your solar energy doesn’t go to waste.

Benefits of solar panels

Now you may be wondering why solar panels are a good option for your roof. We know they are good for the environment but they are also practical. You can have the best of both worlds – the benefits of a traditional roofing system and the ability to generate clean energy. Don’t rely on historical energy sources for your home. Invest and participate in the way of the future with solar panels.

We are aware that solar panels aren’t the most cost-friendly options on the market, compared to some other roofing materials. While this can be a significant barrier, factoring in the long-term financial benefits is something to think about when considering solar panels. Once installed, solar panels can greatly reduce your electricity bills. If you haven’t already noticed, everything is getting more and more expensive. Why not choose to be energy independent? Solar panels can give you this freedom and help you shy away from having to pay more and more for your electricity in 2023.

Even if you have a solar panel roof, they can be installed in ways that compliment your home. So there is no reason to be worried about aesthetics. Talk to the experts at Cambie and we can help you achieve the right look while also ensuring effectiveness.

Solar panel installation

Let’s say you’ve made your mind up about wanting solar panels on your roof, the next step includes determining your roof’s layout and ability to host these solar panels. Is your roof covered by trees? If so, there might be too much shade for your solar panels to properly function as they need to be exposed to sunlight. Is your roof tilted or flat? Will this impact how much sunlight is absorbed by the solar panels? These types of questions are things to consider when looking at the overall structural integrity of your roof.

Once you have consulted with a professional and your roofing design is official, the company will send out a team to install the solar panel system. Much like a traditional roofing installation, the roofers will ensure the solar panels are added properly. Paying attention to sealing and weatherproofing is of upmost importance.

Once installed, it is time to connect the electrical elements. This includes the inverters we mentioned above as well as wires and panels – turning the DC’s into AC’s. After this is completed, the roofing professionals will conduct an inspection before being activated to ensure everything is running smoothly and safely. If all is good, the solar panel system will become connected to your electrical grid and can be used to generate solar energy!


Solar panel roofing systems are a great way for you to become a greener homeowner. Because of how positive solar panels are for the environment, many cities will actually provide you with incentives to install them. This is because they can be costly at first, however you may be able to get your hands on a tax credit or rebate. While exploring your roofing options, ask us about solar panels and we can provide you with a free estimate.

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