A green roof - one of the many ways to make a commercial roof more eco-friendly.

How Can I Make My Commercial Roof More Eco-Friendly?

How Can I Make My Commercial Roof More Eco-Friendly?

Every construction project whether it’s big or small has some sort of impact on the environment – roofing included. If you’re the owner of a commercial property, choosing an eco-friendly roof upon building or replacing your current roof will not only lower your carbon footprint but it can also save you money down the road. As a business owner, the impact your roof has on the environment should be something you consider. In 2023, many builders are taking into consideration things like climate change and increased prices on supplies and energy costs. Because of this, many people with both residential and commercial buildings are seeking eco-friendly options when it comes to their roofs. In this blog post, we are going to discuss eco-friendly roofing options for commercial buildings.

Roof coatings

If you are looking for ways to make your existing commercial roof more eco-friendly, a great option to consider is adding a sustainable roof coating. These coatings are designed to reflect sunlight which means you’re spending less money to keep the inside of your building cool, especially during warmer months. There are various types of coatings but the most common ones are silicone and acrylic. Restoring your existing commercial roof is a lot less expensive than replacing the entire thing so if you’re looking for a cost effective treatment, roof coatings are the way to go. Installing a roof coating not only makes it cheaper to regulate the temperature inside of your building, it will also increase your roof’s lifespan and reduce your carbon footprint. A win-win for a commercial building owner looking to be more eco-friendly! Some roof coatings are specifically designed in lighter colours so they can reflect even more sunlight while lowering your energy bills. These simple techniques are also known as cool roofing methods and oftentimes you can find them from recycled materials which makes it even better for the environment.

Green roofs

Recently, green roofs have gained popularity among commercial building owners. These roofs are typically installed on flat roofs and when complete, they have numerous positives on the environment. Similar to roof coatings, green roofs can moderate your building’s temperature. They also promote clean air, beautify areas that might lack greenery, collect rainwater runoff and promote biodiversity. If your building can accommodate a green roof, there are plenty of things you can do with it such as creating a park for customers to enjoy, a garden to grow fresh fruit and vegetables or just a place to unwind on your own. Green roof installations are complex and require plenty of upkeep which can be costly but if you are willing to take on the challenge, you will benefit greatly from it while also making your building eco-friendly.

Consider installing skylights

A roofing addition that many people often overlook is skylights. Compared to a normal window in your building, a skylight can produce three times as much natural light. If your skylight is installed in an area that gets plenty of sunlight, this can improve energy costs as you won’t need to rely so much on artificial lighting. Depending on how they’re installed, skylights can also improve your heating and HVAC efforts. In addition, skylights provide a great opportunity for people wanting to benefit from natural sunlight throughout the work day. More natural light means happier employees and lower energy bills!

Solar panels

Converting sunlight into energy and not having to rely solely on fossil fuels is one of the best ways to make your roof more eco-friendly. This is done through the installation of solar panels, one of the largest growing trends when it comes to constructing and restoring both commercial and residential roofs. While solar panels can be pricey during initial installation, they will give you the power to produce your own energy without any greenhouse gases. Depending on where you’re located, many areas have started providing incentives and rebates for people looking to turn to solar energy because of the importance of renewable energy when it comes to fighting climate change. A good thing about solar panels is that once they’re installed, they don’t require a ton of maintenance.


By being more eco-friendly with your commercial roof, you are guaranteed to reduce your energy costs, increase the lifespan of your roof, see a positive return on investment and lower your carbon footprint. Sustainable roof coatings, green roofs, skylights and solar panels are just a few of the ways you can make your existing or new roof more eco-friendly. While the population starts doing their part to combat climate change, the focus shouldn’t just be on making residential roofs eco-friendly because commercial roofs are just as important. So what are you waiting for? If eco-friendly commercial roofing techniques is something you’re interested in, reach out to the experts at Cambie Roofing to learn more and discuss your options.


2023 Roofing Trends You Don’t Want To Miss

2023 Roofing Trends You Don’t Want To Miss

Techniques used to shelter and shield against the elements have been around since the beginning of human existence. As humans have evolved, their sheltering methods have also improved drastically. This goes all the way back to when mankind stopped sheltering in caves and began making structured shelters with roofs. Today, we rely heavily on advanced building techniques. Our condos, single-family homes, apartment complexes and townhouses all have something in common – roofs. Over the years, some roofing techniques have failed while others have proven to work. Luckily for home owners today, there are various roofing techniques to choose from based on a person’s budget, taste and geographical location. Cambie Roofing has compiled a list of roofing trends you won’t want to miss in 2023.

Solar Shingles

It’s 2023 which means being environmentally friendly is in style! Solar shingles are gaining popularity quickly among homeowners looking to make less of an environmental impact as well as bring value to their home. This type of shingle is not to be confused with solar panels which are also very popular across North America. Solar shingles are relatively new to the industry which has its ups and downs. They come from photovoltaic sheets which once installed, will collect electricity from sunlight. Solar shingles look relatively similar to normal shingles and based on how they are installed, they can give the outside of your home a modernized feel. While solar shingles are designed to lower electricity bills, the costs of the initial installation can be out of reach for many homeowners. These costs are expected to continue to lower as solar shingles become more available and common.

Synthetic Thatch

If you’re in need of a vacation somewhere warm, you’re not alone! Luckily, there are ways to make your home feel more tropical and you can achieve that through synthetic thatch roofs. While this trend might not be for everyone, it sure does make a statement for those willing to try it out. Originally, thatch roofs consisted of dried straw, reeds, palm tree branches and other types of vegetation. This historic style of roofing has been around since before the 11th Century and remained popular until the Industrial Revolution when it began getting replaced with other techniques that used materials such as slate. Today, thatching remains a low-cost roofing technique in rural areas and third world countries and it is also used in tropical climates and places looking to make less of an environmental impact. As a homeowner, you can achieve the same beautiful and tropical look of a thatch roof using synthetic materials that don’t pose fire threats. Are you adventurous enough to try this rustic yet urban trend out in 2023?

Green Roof Trends

In today’s day and age, being eco-friendly is something many homeowners strive for especially with large issues such as climate change and the rising costs of living looming over their heads. Green roofs which are largely popular in European countries are gaining traction here in North America, especially in condensed urban areas that lack green spaces. Green roofs can be installed on both residential and commercial buildings, offering plenty of social and private benefits to owners and people nearby. The installation process of a green roof will include water-proofing, drainage and a root repellent system, and based on the type of green roof installed, some will incorporate irrigation systems. There are so many benefits to having a green roof including the fact that they actually lower energy costs since they act as insulation which in turn, moderates your home’s temperature. Another great benefit to green roofs is they promote clean air and absorb carbon dioxide. In addition to this, they’re very stylish and can transform boring urban buildings into beautiful green spaces while also offering agricultural opportunities and habitat for native species.

Metal Roof Trends

If you’re not the type of person to invest in a wild trend like synthetic thatch, you might be more interested in a modern metal roof. In recent years, metal roofs have become available in a multitude of colors and styles so there are options for homeowners looking to make a statement or those wishing to keep it simple. One of the biggest benefits of having a metal roof is its durability and long lifespan. Metal roofs don’t curl up and break apart like shingles do over time. They also do exceptionally well in harsh weather conditions which is something that homeowners need to consider living in North America. As they’ve become more popular, manufacturers have discovered ways to keep metal roofs from being overly noisy compared to other roofing materials. Unfortunately, metal roofs can be on the more expensive side which may deter some homeowners from investing in the technology.


The current roofing trends have one thing in common – a focus on the environment. So much so that standard shingles are starting to be manufactured with reflective coating in order to reduce the amount of heat being absorbed by peoples homes. Whether you’re looking to install a new roof on your current home or you’re in the process of choosing a roof for a new build, there are so many 2023 roofing trends you don’t want to miss!


Types of Roofing Materials

Types of Roofing Materials

As a homeowner, you may not think much about your roof, but it is one of the most important aspects of your home and it should be well maintained. Having the right roof not only adds value to your home, but it communicates your style to everybody who passes by. While roof framing, preparation and proper installation are important factors, the materials you choose for your roof really are the most important decisions you’ll make. To help, we’ve compiled a list of roofing materials you may want to consider for your next project.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are one of the most popular roofing materials in Vancouver as they are durable, relatively inexpensive and are waterproof – a very important aspect in this city’s climate. They come in a wide variety of colours and styles and are easy to install. They are also suitable for a wide range of temperatures.
Asphalt shingle roofs should last between 20 and 50 years on average, providing that you properly maintain them and get a professional to check them biannually. Another factor to consider is that temperature extremes effect the lifetime of the roof and although Vancouver’s temperature stays relatively consistent, it’s something to be aware of.
Disadvantages of asphalt shingles include a shorter life than many heavier tiles, especially if they are walked on. Dark asphalt shingles are prone to fading and tend to exhibit inconsistencies in color. The black marks are caused by algae, which doesn’t survive well in direct sunlight. Homeowners can get rid discoloration by applying a sodium hypochlorite bleach solution and rinsing it off fresh water. Homeowners can also look for an algae-resistant shingle such as 3M’s Algae Block, which contains copper granules that can help prevent new growth.

Wood Shake and Cedar Shingles

This is another popular choice for Vancouverites, especially because they can be made from recycled wood. Being environmentally friendly and good for water runoff, they typically last 30 years or more. This makes them a solid investment for those wanting to have less of an environmental impact.

Slate and Title Roof Shingles

Slate and Tile Roof give your home a natural appearance. Although more expensive than asphalt, they are great for a classical, upscale home. Slate and Tile are resistant to rot and fire so you don’t need to worry about upkeep as much. They are available in a variety of colours and styles.
Disadvantages of slate and tiles are their weight and cost, as well as the high degree of expertise needed for installation. Slate tiles are easily broken underfoot, complicating gutter cleaning and rooftop maintenance.

Ceramic Roofs

Ceramic Tiles give a house character and are generally durable. Advances in the manufacturing process make the tiles resistant to fading. Ceramic tiles are fireproof and quality tiles should last 50 to 70 years.
The problem with ceramic roofing tiles include their unsuitability for climates with fluctuating weather, something to consider living in Canada. Ceramic tiles are prone to erosion under these conditions. While the tiles are durable, they are also fragile. High winds can damage them, as will walking on the tiles.

Clay and Concrete Tiles

Clay and concrete tiles are not very popular in Vancouver. They add texture and elegance to a roof. Genuine flat, ribbed or scalloped clay tiles are extremely durable but also very heavy, and must be installed by a knowledgable professional. Concrete tiles are versatile and are less expensive than genuine clay, but also have a heavy weight. So, these things are also one of the Types of Roofing Materials.

Metal roofing

Again metal roofs not very common in Vancouver. However, they are becoming increasingly viable, as metal shingles are low maintenance, lightweight and more environmentally friendly. However, installation can be tricky and requires a contractor with experience installing a metal roof.
As a metal roof starts to lose its shine, repainting is an option as long as the roof’s structural integrity is in good shape. It usually costs less to repaint a metal roof than to replace it.

Flat roof

Flat roofs can require a great deal of maintenance. As the homeowner, you are responsible for ensuring it stays watertight. The roof must be cleaned regularly to prevent leaves and debris from clogging the drain. Also, the sun will gradually cause the roof to degrade, as flat roofs located in environments where the temperature can go from hot to cold in a short period of time are more vulnerable to damage.
Flat roofs are typically less expensive to install than sloped roofs. They may provide a safer option, as there is less chance of falling off when you are on top of a flat roof. They are usually easy to access and can allow you to achieve a certain visual appearance.

Torch On Roofs

Torch On Roofing consists of two or more layers of modified asphalt that are usually melted together by a torch. This creates a roof that is resistant to ultraviolet light and a waterproof barrier.
The Torch On Roofing is usually used for flat roofs where snow or rain can easily collect and sit for long periods of time. It covers the entire roof at an even thickness, usually about 3-4 mm thick, while traditional tar roofs can have bumps, thinner, and thicker spots.
The downside to a Torch On Roof is installation can be hazardous. It’s very easy to make a mistake while applying torch down materials to a roof. Materials can be accidentally overheated and cause a fire that can quickly spread throughout the dry, hot attic area.
The material used in applying a flat roof is technically known as ‘Bitumen’, but more commonly known as asphalt. Bitumen by itself is perfect for roofing, as it has good water proofing qualities; however, Torch applied roofing needs to have something added to it to stabilize its inability to expand and contract.

What type of Roofing is Right for me?

When choosing roofing materials, there are many things to consider. Does the material offer good performance in different weather conditions? Although Vancouver stays mild, it can occasionally get up to 30 degrees Celsius or dip below freezing. You need a roof that can withstand these temperature extremes.
You also need to consider the cost, maintenance, and lifespan of the roof. Some roofs are cheaper to install but cost more to maintain, while others vice versa.
Lastly, you should think of the best style for your house and the surrounding neighbourhood. The last thing you want to do is to install a roof that sticks out like a sore thumb. So, these are the types of roofing materials you Should consider while choosing roofing Materials. If you’re stuck on what roof is best for you, contact the experts at Cambie Roofing today!

Originally published on May 14th, 2017
Updated and republished on January 24th, 2024.

The Best Roofing Options for living in Vancouver, estimate the cost of a roof

The Best Roofing Options for living in Vancouver

Originally published on Nov 15th, 2018
Updated January 28th 2021, Updated July 15th 2022

The Best Roofing Options for living in Vancouver

Looking for roofing options when replacing your home’s roof is an important decision, and can be an expensive process. That is why choosing the right roofing options and materials can improve your home’s aesthetic appeal.
But also, you need to think about increasing longevity and keep within your budget. Replacing the roof also increases the value of your home for resale.

Many homeowners underestimate the importance of a good roof. If you’re thinking about reconstruction keep in mind the premise:

There is no point in creating an amazing home if water is going to leak in and damage the inside. So, if you are rebuilding your roof, consider rain, snow, wind, and everything that can ruin it in a matter of hours – if not minutes.
It’s much better to have peace of mind and do it right the first time so you don’t have to worry.
As you probably know already, Vancouver is prone to a unique set of roof problems. Moss buildup, mildew and mold count among them due to the heavy amounts of rain the area gets.

The more you invest in your house, the better you’ll want to protect it

It is important that homeowners understand which type of roof can naturally resist these problems in order to efficiently protect the integrity of the roof and the inside of the home. Roofing materials are extremely important, but the actual style of the roof can play a major role when it comes to resisting a wet climate.

How To Choose Your Roofing Materials

There are so many different roofing options. You should ask your roofing contractor what is the best material for your home. If you’re not an expert, it can be very difficult to identify just the right material if you don’t know what it needs to be capable of surviving.
You should look for information about lifespan, weight so it won’t crush the roof framing, and roof sloping. You should also find out whether it’s permitted by local building codes, how resistant it is to fire and extreme wind, and how much it costs.
There are a lot of different types of roofing used in Vancouver, depending on style – asphalt composition shingles, metal, wood, plastic polymer, clay tile, concrete tile, and slate. We’ll go over some of the most basic options so when you talk to your contractor, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt Shingles are the most common and economical roofing material used throughout Metro Vancouver. They come in 2 main types; three-tab and architectural shingles. Both perform well with little e to no maintenance and come with varied warranties.
Three-tab shingles most often carry warranties from 20-30 years, while architectural shingles often have longer, and even lifetime, warranties.
On the other hand, asphalt shingles are effective and inexpensive. However, they are the last option to take into account because they do not enhance the visual appeal of homes, neither increase the value of your home.
Architectural shingles, however, come in many different styles and can mimic the look of more expensive roofing materials.

Cedar Roofing

Cedar roofs are a traditional Vancouver and Pacific Northwest roofing material that can give your home a natural, homely feel.
In BC, Cedar is readily available and fairly inexpensive. Cedar shakes and shingles are the most common wood roofing material and add a rustic, natural, particularly Vancouver appeal to many homes.
Due to the visually appealing nature of cedar products, using a cedar system can often increase the value of your home. While cedar products are lightweight and durable, they can be susceptible to moisture-induced mold or algae and may require more maintenance than other roofing options.
While untreated cedar roofing materials can fall victim to the elements, pre-treated options are now available. These pre-treated cedar shakes and shingles are slightly more expensive but offer a natural appearance and the equivalent effectiveness of a synthetic product.

Metal Roofing

Metal Roofing materials come in a range of styles, are durable, low-maintenance and visually appealing, with a clean look. The most common metal roofing material is standing seam, a series of interlocking panels that extend the entire length of the roof.
While installation of a metal roof is slightly more expensive than other options, it has a long lifespan, requires little to no maintenance and can increase the value of your property. Like asphalt, metal roofing materials that mimic the look of other roofing systems are available in many different styles.

Torch-on SBS Membrane Roofing

Torch-on SBS Membrane is available in many colours. It is one of the most durable roofing materials and can provide many decades of protection from the extreme Vancouver weather with proper slope and installation.
Torch-on membranes are commonly used in low slope or flat commercial and residential applications, giving them a more modern feel.
As these types of membrane systems are so robust they can greatly increase the value of your commercial or residential property. Torch-on is one of the more expensive options in roofing but the lifespan of the system can often offset the initial cost.

Don’t Forget about the Warranty

There’s a manufacturer’s warranty that covers all the problems that can arise from the actual roofing material.
Also, look for optional roofing contractor’s warranty that covers all the problems created by the contractors’ negligence. Accidents must be part of them when installing the roof.
Some warranties can’t be transferred to other owners. So, your children or a person to whom you sell the house must know and take previsions. Always search the contract for this information.
Homeowners must consider many factors when choosing the roofing material that best suits their home. Yes, aesthetic appeal and expense are important when choosing the roofing system. But homeowners should ultimately seek to find a balance between form and function.


It is important to understand which materials are the best for Vancouver’s weather conditions. Since British Columbia is a temperate rainforest, you need a roof that provides protection from the rain, wind, and the occasional snowfall.
If you have any questions or need an estimate on your roof call the experts. At Cambie Roofing, we have been in business for over half a century. Share the same confidence we have when saying we are your best roofing choice.