Drainage Solutions for Flat Roofs

Three Drainage Solutions for Flat Roofs in Vancouver

There’s no denying the preference for flat roofs in Vancouver. From apartment buildings to residential homes, Vancouverites love the simplicity of flat roofs over other types. But what about the downfalls? Flat roofs are known for their vulnerable design in inclement weather, puddling water and quick saturation. So, anyone planning to install a flat roof or replace an old one must have a failsafe drainage solution. Check here Three Drainage Solutions for Flat Roofs in Vancouver.

Importance of an Adequate Drainage on a Flat Roof

Proper drainage on a flat roof ensures that both rain and snow are adequately removed. In addition, it’ll prevent leaks, water damage and structural problems with your building’s foundation.

Both the outer surface of the roof and any insulation applied to it become saturated with water, particularly after a heavy rainfall or snow. That’s why a drainage system is necessary during both the summer and winter months as it ensures that the roof doesn’t freeze, causing cracks in the material.

Proper drainage will also reduce ice dams – when thick accumulations of snow form on your roof under shingles or tiles where they melt and refreeze again with water trickling down, causing leaks over time. Unfortunately, if this melting process happens frequently, it’ll also damage the insulation under the roofing material, allowing ice bridges to form.

What Happens If There Isn’t Enough Drainage?

Flat roofs in Vancouver won’t last long without an established drainage solution. The first thing to go will be the roofing material. With enough water exposure, your shingles start peeling at their bottom layers. The underlying roof deck will then be damaged, resulting in leaks.

And if your building’s insulation is affected by water damage, expect to pay more out of pocket for heat in the cold winter months. Plus, the humidity build-up in the insulation leads to mould growth in your attic space. It even speeds up shrub growth on the roof surface that also leads to roof leaks.

Further compounding these problems is polluted rainwater. With inadequate drainage, rainwater will sit on your roof’s surface for extended periods. You don’t want those contaminants to find their way into your indoor environment, contaminating both the soil and groundwater where they eventually reach groundwater used for drinking.

These problems can all be prevented with a well-planned drainage design for your flat roofing project.

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Building

If you have a flat roof on your house or building, these three drainage solutions offer the best protection:

1 – Gutter System

The best thing about gutters is that you don’t need to perform a pricey modification on your flat roof to install them. Gutters work by directing water from the roof into a downspout. The bigger the gutter and downspout, the more effective it is at draining off excess water.

Aside from being a cost-effective drainage solution, a gutter system doesn’t require a ton of maintenance, provided you install protection, i.e., gutter guards or mesh. Of course, you’ll need a professional who’s experienced in installing gutters and their accompanying protection, but it shouldn’t be expensive either.

Warning: Gutter systems often accumulate debris over time and may need to be maintained or cleaned. Otherwise, you’ll experience blockage and overflow, especially if you don’t equip them with protection.

2 – Scuppers

Scuppers aren’t as common as gutters, but they’re an excellent drainage solution for flat roofs. Scuppers are simply openings in the roof that allow water to seep into a perforated pipe leading to cleanouts and downspout extensions.

The perforations on the scupper’s pipe direct rainwater to the downspout, avoiding any overflow. In addition, it means they protect your building’s foundation from water seeping through cracks and holes, which could lead to irreparable damage.

Scuppers are a better drainage option for flat roofs because it’s one of the least expensive solutions that offer excellent performance. It works best for homes or small commercial buildings with minimal roof area that can accommodate scupper openings.

Warning: The drawback to using scuppers is that small debris or fallen leaves can clog the roof opening and prevent water from draining. You may need to maintain them regularly, i.e., by cleaning out any excess dirt and debris.

3 – Interior Drains

For larger flat rooftops, using interior drains is the best option. It requires drilling holes in your roof decking and placing drainage pipes below to direct water elsewhere.

This drainage solution comprises guttering, pipes, and a system of drains that ensure water is never allowed to remain on your roof. The system works if the density of your insulation is higher than other flat roofs. Where water accumulates faster after heavy rainfall. The downside of this solution is that you’ll need to cut through the roof decking, which can be an expensive process.

Warning: Installing an interior drain system requires hiring a professional plumber and roofer who’s experienced in installing drainage systems for flat roofs. You’ll also need to regularly clean the system to avoid blockage, leading to water build-up.

Why Not DIY?

If you’re tempted to design your own drainage solution for your flat roof, don’t.

A DIY approach may save you money initially, but there’s a high chance it will cost more in the long run. Flat roofs are difficult to work with and require specialized designs that aren’t possible without professional installation. You’ll end up wasting time and money if you try to do it yourself.

Of course, a DIY approach might work for a small roofing structure with a less complicated design. However, for anything more extensive or complicated, hire a professional.

COVID and cost of your roof

How COVID-19 Will Impact the Cost of Your Roof

How COVID-19 Will Impact the Cost of Your Roof? There’s every reason to believe that property owners hoping to replace or install a new roof will have to prepare for significantly higher costs amid the pandemic.

As there is no reason for optimism about COVID-19, it’s no surprise that costs are already on their way up. The average price of a new shingle roof rose by at least 5% in 2021.

And it gets worse – the impact of COVID-19 on affordable housing providers will be even more significant. There is no simple way for them to make roof installation more affordable; in other words, local roofers expect to spend more across the board.

Economic Shutdown’s Impact on Roof Materials

The shutdown of several manufacturing plants and the loss of skilled labourers have meant that roofing suppliers and manufacturers have had to import materials from overseas.

Though the materials aren’t any different, they’re imported means there are additional shipping costs. For the most part, the added expense is shouldered by property owners who need to replace their roofs and buy products.

Opting for imported roofing materials is a costlier option – but with local supplies hit by the stranded economy, both property owners and roofing contractors don’t have much choice.

Even if a substantially lower number of property owners spend on a roof replacement during the pandemic, this trend doesn’t translate to cheaper materials. Companies, especially those that struggle to compete with well-established brands, are forced to adhere to COVID-19 adjustments in the factories.

This means social distancing, limited physical contact, and constrained work hours. All in all, everyone in the roofing industry must deal with reduced production.

Costlier Supplies + Lower Demand = Higher Prices for Your Roof

Whatever your roofing needs, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll need to prepare for higher costs.

For homeowners struggling to maintain their properties, this means putting home improvement projects on hold. But when the roof can no longer function the way it’s expected, you have no other choice but to have it replaced, even if it means having to take the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Manufacturers of roof materials know all too well that property owners are forced to pay a premium for their products. And since many homeowners are compelled to turn to less affordable options, they’re also more likely to sell at a higher price.

We’re not saying that everyone’s taking advantage of it. Nevertheless, even big-time manufacturers and suppliers are struggling to meet ends, forcing them to increase the price of roofing materials.

Mandatory Safety Guidelines Make Everything Difficult

Roofers and manufacturers don’t dictate the price of roofing materials, at least for the most part – they’re not the ones to blame for the increased cost of roof replacement.

Government-mandated safety guidelines and policies in the workplaces across all service industries make it almost impossible to stick to the usual turnaround time. This is quite true in the construction sector, where roofing belongs.

The result?

  • More delays
  • More time for the roof to deteriorate
  • Increased construction costs all around

As a result, you’re forced to pay more if you want your roof replacement as soon as possible.

So, aside from paying more for the materials, property owners are likely to acquiesce to higher cost estimates for labour. Several factors come into play, including that workers must be cautious not to get infected with the virus on site. It usually means a higher demand for paid overtime, extra compensation, and hazard pay.

Some property owners decide to do things cheaply, i.e., hiring a handyman to install a new roof. But this, too, could cost you more in the long run. Working with an unqualified roofer means increased susceptibility to mistakes. This only makes the roof more vulnerable to leaks and expensive repairs sooner than later.

Is It Best to Delay Roof Replacement?

If your roof is in good condition, then you might want to consider deferring the replacement for now. However, when there’s a massive storm approaching or when it starts leaking, you’ll have no other choice but to replace it in time.

You need to protect your family under the assessment of a professional – regardless of whether COVID-19 already hit your community or not.  Fortunately, there are ways to limit physical interaction while you’re weighing your options.

For example, you can search and hire a roofing contractor without meeting them in person. You can also arrange for a virtual appointment and a simulation of their work sites.

An online meeting with your prospects will suffice when it comes to figuring out the best options available. Another alternative would be to have a third party contact them on your behalf.

Cost Of Your Roof And COVID-19

With most roofing companies adapting to the new normal, you expect them to be fully versed in online correspondence. After all, working with clients online reduces overhead costs and maintains productivity.

There always will be a handful of prospects out there who’ll give you a reasonable quotation to get some work done in otherwise slow trade.

So, the problem isn’t finding a qualified contractor to install your new roof in the middle of the pandemic. The more obvious concern is the cost – will it be too much for anyone to back off and put the project on hold? Even with the pandemic ravaging the entire construction industry, there’s no way that roofing companies will cease their operations.

The roofing industry is going through a tough time. But if you’re smart about it, then there’s no need for you to pay an outrageous price to have your roof replaced in time. Know how to compare prices online, get free quotes from multiple contractors, and ask the right questions.

Keep in mind that COVID-19 is already making impact over the cost of your roof. Be ready to deal with it while saving money in the long term.

New Roof During Winter

Should I Get a New Roof During Winter?

In this blog post, we will discuss whether you should get a new roof during winter.

Ideally, roof replacement is done in fair weather and warm temperature. Roof shingles are conveniently accessible, and contractors don’t have to contend with the harsh weather.

Try calling local roofers on a winter month, and most of them will advise you to wait it out until the fall or summer before you get a new roof. While this makes sense, it doesn’t mean you should heed their advice. You don’t get to choose the time to replace a roof, especially when it’s no longer doing its job of protecting your home from the elements.

Winter Roof Replacement: Risk It?

Roofers refuse to perform roof replacements in the winter, and there’s only one reason: it’s dangerous.

Any type of roofing work in the winter is twice as risky. The last thing roofers want to do is put themselves in harm’s way or something that can injure them. With everything covered in snow and ice, the likelihood of slipping and falling badly is high. That’s not to mention the sharp icicles that form and can deliver a nasty cut should they fall on your roofers’ heads.

And then there’s the frigid temperature to contend with, including the potential for frostbite, hypothermia, and respiratory illnesses.

Some Roofers Don’t Have Experience in Winter Roof Replacement

Many roofers who do this for a living often confine their work to warm weather. This is because they’re more comfortable and experienced working with shingles and tiles during the summer or fall than in the winter.

Roofers who have experience in roof replacement during winter can attest that you should think carefully before even attempting it. It’s not just the physical danger that you should be concerned about.

If you insist on getting a new roof during winter, the last thing you’ll want to do is disrupt the insulation within your attic. This can seriously affect your indoor climate and heat distribution, which means higher utility bills.

Tools Could Malfunction

Installing a new roof requires sophisticated tools and equipment. The problem with winter roof installation is that cold air seeps in. And the tools are likely to malfunction because of the internal condensation caused by the cold weather.

Furthermore, roofing nails are extremely brittle when frozen, which leaves you with loose nails that could lead to leaks. The nails are also tricky to hammer into the shingles during the winter months. Finally, you don’t want loose shingles because they lead to corrosion, rot, and irreparable damage.

The Snow Is a Problem

Snow poses one of the biggest problems in roof installation during winter. It’s not just that it’s an obstacle when being installed. It’s also because of the weight it exerts as it melts and seeps into the roofing materials. This can weaken the shingles, which increases your chances of having leaks in your roof.

Installing Asphalt Shingles Is Doubly Challenging in the Cold

If you’re planning to replace your roof, you’re probably looking at asphalt shingles as a top option. But mind you, asphalt shingles are ideally installed at least 4 degrees Celsius. So, and you can pretty much imagine how hard it is to install them in wet and snowy weather. In addition, some manufacturers don’t offer a warranty if these shingles are installed during winter.

If you feel the need to install asphalt shingles this winter, just know that it will be challenging and a bit risky. It’s a choice best reserved for the fall or summer when you can have all the advantages of installing asphalt shingles in dry conditions.

Scheduling Issues

When you schedule a roof replacement during winter, the odds are that it will be pushed back to spring or summer. And even if you’re willing to risk your home’s safety and comfort for the sake of installing your new roof this winter, it means that you won’t get any service from a local roofer.

Meanwhile, some roofing contractors are willing to take on the job but don’t expect a quick turnaround. They may never stick to the schedule since they also have to contend with weather conditions.

Don’t Close Your Door on a New Roof During Winter

Despite all the inconveniences and risks of installing a new roof in winter, you may have no other choice if you’re dealing with a structure that’s no longer doing its job. For instance, your roof is letting in water, or the shingles have been damaged beyond repair, then you’re hard-pressed to install a new roof during winter.

Although winter roofing projects take longer to finish, you must deal with them if you want your home to continue being a safe place for you and your family for the rest of the cold months. It’s best to go with a roofer who has the experience and equipment needed to deal with cold weather.

We previously talked about the propensity of local roofers declining a roof replacement job in the middle of the winter. Still, there are a select few who will not hesitate to provide their services during this season.  You just have to be vigilant when it comes to the selection process.

Consider Metal Roofing

Installing a metal roof may be the best option for those who want to have a new roof during winter. The reason being the fact that there’s no need for adhesives. The use of adhesives in shingles and other roofing materials is the biggest challenge when working in low temperatures. However, since metal roofs don’t require adhesives, low temperatures will have little to no impact.

Is There Any Other Option?

Although metal roofs are studier and can be installed during winter, it doesn’t mean that asphalt shingles and other traditional roofing materials should be ruled out. But, again, you need to choose your installer carefully—research the contractor’s track record when it comes to winter roof replacements in your area.

Keep in mind that roof replacement during winter isn’t for everyone or every roofing contractor out there. It’s also not without its share of challenges and risks. So only go ahead if you’re prepared, you have time to spare, and you have a reputable roofer to help you get it done.

How to Create a Budget for a New Roof

How To Create A Budget for A New Roof

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to budget for a new roof, which is a pricey investment and can be difficult, stressful, but it’s inevitable. The roof protects the home from extreme outdoor conditions, i.e., hailstorms, torrential downpours, high winds, and scorching heat. So, if your roof no longer does its job, you’re left with no choice but to replace it.

A new roofing project requires meticulous planning – there’s no going back once you sign the contract. But, before you do that, you must first create a budget.

How To Create A Budget for A New Roof

A roof replacement project puts a significant strain on your finances, but everyone must go through it eventually. Creating a budget allows you to put the project under your control; it’s all about managing every step, so you don’t end up going overboard.

File an Insurance Claim

Some types of roof damage may be covered by insurance, so it makes sense to file an insurance claim. However, don’t give the insurance provider a reason to deny the coverage.

When your home insurance covers the cost of repairs, the entire expense might not be deductible. It means that for a roof that costs $6,000 to install and a $1000 deductible, the insurer pays for the $5000.

Once you submit a claim, the insurance company will contact you to establish a time for an adjuster to assess the damage.

Create an Outline

Outlining the budget is essential to come up with accurate estimates for a new roof. You should factor in building permits required by local regulations, size of the property, the roof’s pitch and material preference, and roofer fees. The outline serves as a guide throughout the process. It’ll give you a boundary on spending.

Comparison Shopping

To make a budget for roof replacement, you need an estimate of the total project price. Then, consult with several contractors for approximate costs of the project. You’d be surprised to see they offer varying figures. It’s the reason why comparing quotes makes perfect sense – you want to get the best deal for the same project.

Choose a roofer who goes the extra mile to provide an accurate estimate. Most contractors offer a general quote with dedicated lines for labour and material costs. A highly detailed quote helps you figure out if there are reasonably-priced materials out there that do the same job.

Most contractors don’t recommend cheaper materials for roofing, but it’s your prerogative as the property owner to decide, especially if you have budget constraints.

Quotes from a few roofing contractors should give insight into the typical cost range. Gather at least three quotes from contractors and show them to the insurance adjuster. It’s his job to assess the accuracy and rationale of the quotes.

Household Spending

Not everyone has emergency funds set aside from the home renovation. Putting up a new roof costs thousands of dollars, which is why many homeowners can’t afford it. But don’t get discouraged – there are ways to seek funds for new roofing.

Begin by taking a closer look at your household spending. Look for areas where you can reduce spending and repurpose the money for the roofing project. This isn’t permanent; you get to go back to your usual household spending once you get over the necessity of a new roof.

Housing Grants

It’s common practice in North America for local governments and states to offer financial assistance, loans, or housing grants for low-income property owners. Look for information about housing grants in the locality or state where you live. There’s usually a website where you’ll see the eligibility requirements to qualify for the program.

Choose Roofing Material Wisely

Choosing a material is an important decision when replacing the roof of your home. The available choices vary greatly with price and durability.

For example, asphalt shingles offer practicality, while metal and concrete tile roofing materials provide longevity.
Your choice of roofing material plays a crucial role in creating your budget – work with a trustworthy roofer to get the best deal regardless of the roofing variety.

Other Financing Options

In some instances, using a credit card to finance your roof installation is an option. Credit cards with high cash-back rewards can be advantageous if used for financing purposes. If you can use your credit card to finance a new roof over the next year without interest, it’ll be more affordable in the long run.

But be wary of credit card schemes where you’re tricked into paying high processing fees. If possible, go for an installment program that allows payment extensions.

A personal loan is a viable option if you don’t have the desired funds upfront to cover your roofing project. If that’s what suits you best, a lender can offer you an upfront payment for your new roof. The main downside to personal loans is the high-interest rates. With a bad credit history, you will pay more in interest; however, you might be eligible for more reasonable payment terms with good credit.

The Value of Saving Cash

Unless a roof replacement is urgent and unavoidable, wait a few months to save the money. Then, save at least 1% of your home’s value every month. For example, $8500 is enough for a 2,000 square foot house that needs a new roof.

Not having enough money set aside to purchase a roof is the most significant barrier for most people who need one. A fail-proof way to get the cash for a new roof is to start saving at least two years before taking on the project.

It’s the roof we’re talking about – the structure that protects you and your family from the harsh environment outside. So, if you’re looking for a reason to cancel recently planned vacations and other unneeded expenditures to save money, this is it.

Hiring a Roofing Contractor Checklist

Hiring A Roofing Contractor Checklist

It’s not easy hiring a roofing contractor for the first time. You’re here because you need help for a repair or replacement project, but you’re clueless on where (or how) to begin your search. Unsurprisingly, many homeowners abandon the plan of a roofing project simply because searching, vetting, and choosing a roofer is way too much of a burden. 

Hiring A Roofing Contractor Checklist

Hiring a roofer doesn’t have to be that hard if you know what you’re doing, including the questions to ask and the red flags. If you continue reading this post, you’ll realize that it’s relatively uncomplicated after all. We’ve put together a checklist to explain every element of the search and hiring process. 

Work with a Contractor You Trust

Roof repair is unlike any other home renovation job. Once you figure out that there’s something wrong, hiring a local roofer is no longer just an option. To restore the roof’s structural integrity, you’ll have to cover the repair or replacement as soon as possible. The first step is to find a trustworthy roofing contractor. Here’s what you have to do: 

  • Ask your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors for recommendations. 
  • Call or visit the local organization of roofers for referrals. 
  • Search for prospects online.
  • Find prospects via local newspaper and TV ads. 

Assess Your Prospects

Not every roofer is a fit. If possible, avoid hiring someone who’s not based locally. You want a quick turnaround and response in case something goes wrong after the completion of the job. Working with a company headquartered outside of the city could prove difficult because of the distance. 
To figure out which among your prospects is the best fit for the roof repair or replacement project, follow these steps:

  • Request individual quotes from at least four local roofers. Focus on those who are willing to visit your home to see the site. Some roofers hand out an estimate without an inspection. 
  • Visit the website (provided there’s one) of each roofing prospect. Favor those with an established online presence and with multiple positive reviews from previous clients. 
  • Read all reviews, especially negative feedback. Figure out if there’s a pattern of bad practice from the roofer. If you notice a trend, remove that prospect from your list.

Questions to Ask

Narrow down your list to two or three local roofers. Request a phone interview and ask these questions:

  • How long have you been in the roofing business?
  • What is your experience in a similar roofing job?
  • Can you give me a list of references?
  • Can you furnish a copy of your liability insurance? Does it cover property damage and worker’s compensation?

You’ll have a much better understanding of each prospect based on how they answer those questions. One of them will likely stand out. 

In-Person Interview

You have all your questions answered on the phone, so why go the extra mile for an in-person interview? You must personally meet the remaining prospects to review all the roofing job details; it’s also your best opportunity to temper expectations. If possible, come up with a spreadsheet to help you compare each contractor’s pitch. Discuss the technical details, including:

  • Get some more details on the insurance, i.e., policy number and limits.
  • Talk about the warranty details and the person responsible for the claim. 
  • See to it that you agree to a fixed price and that it must be included in the contract. 

Red Flags when hiring roofing contractors

As honest as your intentions are, some roofers will rip you off, while others engage in bad practice. Be wary of door-to-door contractors who go to areas devastated by storms and tornadoes. They usually scam innocent homeowners with outrageously cheap offers and misleading pre-payment deductibles. These are the common warning signs:

  • The contractor demands an upfront payment or a large down payment
  • They compel you to sign a contract right away
  • It sounds too good to be true. Whether it’s shockingly cheap bid compared to others, or whatever other reason.

Final Meeting

The final meeting is as crucial as the other steps in the hiring process. There’s a handful of things to iron out before the project begins:

  • Reconfirm the roofer’s initial quote
  • Explore payment options and make sure both parties agree on a payment plan
  • Ask for a copy of the contract, project plan, bills and invoices, proof of insurance, local government permits, and order changes

Wrapping It Up – Roofing Contractor Services

There’s no turning back once you sign the contract, so see that you get it right the first time. If you follow these steps, then you should see yourself hiring the best available roofing contractor. A roof repair or replacement project is one of the priciest investments for you this year, so there’s no room for mistakes.

Blistering and alligatoring, DIY vs Qualified Roofer in Vancouver

DIY vs Qualified Roofer in Vancouver, what’s better?

Hiring a DIY vs Qualified Vancouver Roofer

DIY vs Qualified Roofer, what are the pros and cons? Is it worthy to devote your time, money and security in giving to yourself that satisfaction of fixing your roof; or is it better to directly hire professionals?

Do-it-yourself home repair gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Not to mention, DIY feeds your hope of saving money. However, not all improvement projects are tenable with a DIY approach. Case in point: roofing.

But if you have all the skills to cover by yourself all other home improvement tasks, why can’t you do your own roof repairs?
There’s no doubt you can give it a try. But if your skillset do not include a license as a roofer, and the equipment you need to carry it on, then you still are missing all what you need to get the job well done.

Roof repair, installation, or replacement is possibly the most dangerous job when factoring in things like height, exposure to the weather, and the likelihood of making an expensive mistake.

Experience tells us that replacing a roof it’s nothing like replacing a light bulb, remodeling the bathroom, or installing kitchen tiles. Countless homeowners can tell you about it, too. 

Then, why professional roofing contractors make it look easy? Simple: They have experience, training and count with the correct equipment. You’re better off hiring a qualified Vancouver roofer over DIY. Here are the most important reasons to do it.

DIY vs Qualified Vancouver Roofer: All you need to know

1 – Licensed roofers have knowledge and experience

The untrained eye sees a roof as a structure made of shingles or tiles. But deep down, hidden underneath, those shingles and tiles have multiple layers of different materials.

So, if you think that there’s nothing complicated about replacing a missing shingle, you couldn’t be more wrong. The roof is a complex structure made up of a wide array of parts – it takes an expert to inspect and diagnose a problem right before coming up with a solution.

Roofing pros in Vancouver understand how different roofing systems work, including their weaknesses. They take advantage of their knowledge and experience to fix, install, or replace a roof in the quickest turnaround possible.

You can learn as much as you need about your roof, but at the end of the day, there are many ways for a DIY repair job to go wrong, even if it’s as simple as replacing a shingle. 

2 – Roofing companies recognize the value of aesthetics

Regardless of its age and material, the roof eventually shows signs of damage, i.e., leaks, curled shingles. A homeowner’s natural response is to remedy the issue before it gets worst. One of the most common mistakes we find, is the homeowner’s approach to the DIY project.

We mean, as you try a DIY approach when fixing your roof, aesthetics is something secondary in your list of priorities.
In other words, it’s easy to forget about maintaining the structure’s aesthetic value. When you realise how important it is, then it’s usually too late. Haven’t you ever seen roofs with mismatched shingles? There you go.

On the other hand, a professional roofer in Vancouver fixes a roofing issue with aesthetics and function in mind. A crucial part of fixing, installing, or replacing a roof is to ensure that the solution enhances the home’s curb appeal. 

3 – Professional roofers bring with them liability insurance

Even with home insurance, you’re less likely to get covered if you choose the DIY route when fixing your roof. The insurance company could argue that you aren’t qualified to perform the job in the first place or negligent. Hence, you’ll end up paying for the damage on your property as a result of a botched roof repair project.

With experience and training, licensed roofing contractors in Vancouver are less likely to make mistakes. In the likelihood of an incident that led to property damage or injury, they have it covered with liability insurance.

So, you’re not just paying them for their expertise but the security of your investment as well. Remember that if you make a mistake in fixing the roof on your own with the insurance policy payout, you’re giving the insurance company a reason to deny any further claim. 

4 – Your roof is covered with limited warranties by working with a professional roofer

Vancouver local roofing contractors offer two types of roof warranties: labor and material. But if you choose a DIY approach for any roof repair, installation, or replacement job, you lose your right to be covered by the contractor’s limited warranty. You might very well void the material warranty against defects from the manufacturer.

Manufacturers will only honor warranties against defects if their product follow their instructions and Vancouver building code requirements. This is why it makes sense to let a licensed roofer do the job as they’re in the best position to maintain a high workmanship standard.

There’s no way to go around this rule. So, if you damage your roof after a botched DIY project, you can’t force a licensed contractor to cover for you to restore the warranty. It’ll be easy for them to argue that the existing problem with your roof was a direct result of the damage you caused. 

5 – Hiring a professional roofer helps you save money

It seems ironic, but a DIY approach to roof repair or replacement may cost you more money than hiring a professional. Even the slightest mistake may render a roofing material useless.

When you choose the DIY project, you most probably will damage your material before realizing the right way to use it. And then there’s the risk of buying the wrong materials – it’s just way too stressful to try to do it on your own.

In contrast, hiring a licensed and experienced contractor means you have someone who’ll do the hard work on your behalf, including the procurement of the materials, repair, or installation.

DIY vs Qualified Vancouver Roofer: Final thoughts

There’s a lot of intrigue in DIY roofing, but it’s not worth your time. Even if you’re a home improvement buff, roof repair or replacement is way out of your league.

There’s even a likelihood that your DIY roof repair projects reduce your home’s value, making it more challenging to sell at a fair price. 

Spring Cleaning Maintenance on Your Roof

Spring Cleaning Maintenance on Your Roof

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about spring maintenance on your roof and how it’s different this year. The snow is melted, the sun is out – it’s Springtime in Vancouver. While for most it means more hikes, walks, mountain biking, it also means that it’s time to do a little spring cleaning—and that also means roof repair.

A tough winter can be hard on your roof, especially after long periods of snow, wind and ice. Make sure trees and shrubs are not rubbing the roof, and clear from causing damage.

Maintenance on Your Roof

Every residential roof could use a simple inspection in the spring. With regular, seasonal maintenance on your roof, it lasts longer and performs better. Whether you do some of the maintenance work on your roof yourself or hire a professional roofing contractor to do it, there are some key things to do in the spring.

You should incorporate, roof repairs and maintenance routines into the seasonal changes. This is because roofing problems vary with the climatic conditions, especially the rough colder months and it’s a perfect time to fix them. The winter weather can cause problems such as:

  • Leaks around flashings or chimneys and skylights
  • Ice dams forming inside the gutters and at the edge of your roof
  • Broken and cracked shingles
  • Damages to the insulation and blocked attic vents

The first step is to get a roofing professional to do a roofing inspection to make sure that your roof is still in good shape after the winter.

Although it has been a mild winter by Vancouver’s standards, we still recommend you get a roofer to take a look at our roof to prevent large repairs. Here is a list of things to look out for:

Clearing Debris

Cleaning the roof is essential because it helps you get a better view and determine if there are any broken or cracked spots that need repairing. When you’ve had a couple days of sun without rain, brush away branches, twigs, leaves, nests and other debris. Check gutters and downspouts as part of the inspection process.

Leak Repair

After you’ve cleared away debris from your roof, you should inspect the attic, chimney, vents, skylights for any water pooling, leaks or damp areas. Darker patches are often a sign of water damage and you should address them immediately. If you see any black mould it means that the area has been problematic for awhile and might be a symptom of a much larger problem. You should contact a roofer immediately.

Replacing Shingles

If any shingles are missing, they should be replaced immediately as they can lead to leakage and other structural damage. If you see small holes, cracks, or tears, they can be fixed without replacing them, saving you money. Any broken, curled or missing pieces must be taken care of before waterproofing the vents.

Resealing Vents

Examine the vents or get a roofer to do it to make sure the sealants have not cracked or chipped. Be careful while checking the areas around the vents to prevent any mishaps. If a vent cracks, you should get a professional roofer to fix it.

Recaulk Your Chimney

When inspecting a chimney, you should be extra vigilant as this is a common problem area. If the caulking is worn, get a professional to replace it. They will apply a new high-quality sealant to prevent any water damage which will be more costly than fixing the problem immediately.

Clean Your Gutters

Troughs and downspouts are meant to safely carry water off your roof and away from the walls to prevent pooling and water damage. If your gutters have debris from leaves, sticks, or branches built up in them you will need to clean them out in preparation for spring showers. Cleaning gutters is a simple task and you can do them by yourself or hire a handyman to do it for you.

Trim The Surrounding Trees and Remove Leaves

Make sure tree limbs don’t touch or overhang your roof. If they do, they can easily scrape or fall on the shingles and loosen the granules that protect your roof. Trim trees close to your home to avoid any limbs touching the roof surface or the gutter.

If you trim your trees it will also prevent organic matter from falling onto your roof. A little leaf or a few pine needles won’t damage your roof, but if they collect and are deep enough to hold moisture, they need to be removed from you roof. Anything that holds moisture will cause mildew to form and can block gutters or cause extra weight on the roof.

Clean Any Excess Moss or Mold

Dark coloured patches on a roof can indicate mold, algae, or fungus is living there which can eat away at the roofing material and can cause leaks.

A treatment of chlorine bleach or copper sulfate solution can be applied and can kill the mould but there are more environmentally friendly options available. Recently some shingle manufacturers have created algae-resistant shingles that have a specially formulated granule that inhibits algae and moss growth. Be sure to ask your roofer about these options.

Cutting back trees in the surrounding area will reduce moss growth, as it will allow sunlight to dry up the shade and moisture that moss love. To get rid of moss, there are some environmentally friendly sprays you can use to get deep into the roots.

Examine Your Soffit and Fascia

Soffits are metal or wood panels between the wall of the house and the roofline, while fascia are the metal or wood boards along the roofline. Both of these components are crucial for a leak-free roof so don’t overlook them when doing your spring roof maintenance.
Check to see if the soffits or fascia have any water spots, cracks, or holes. Depending on how damaged they are, they might need to be repaired or replaced. If you’re unsure, ask a professional roofer to take a look at them.


Spring time is for renewal. It’s when flowers start to blossom and plants start to grow. It also a time when homeowners take a look around and try to tidy up and throw away things that aren’t doing any good.

Part of your spring cleaning should include either taking a good hard look at the condition of your roof to see if it’s time to call a roofer. If you need a roofing expert, give Cambie Roofing a call. They will answer any questions you might have and will give you a free roof inspection so you can make the most informed decisions about your home.

Originally published on April 15 2019, updated on March 9th 2021

roofing company, Selecting a Roofing Company

5 Things A Property Manager Should Consider when Selecting a Roofing Company

For someone whose job is to manage a commercial building or property, you’re in charge of taking care of all the maintenance and repairs to keep everything in excellent working order. Of course, this implies choosing the best roofing company near you. Though you usually call a handyman or general contractor for minor repairs, there are times when you’re compelled to call in the pros. One of those instances is when the building is up for a major roofing project, be it replacement, installation, or repair. I am going to share “5 Things A Property Manager Should Consider when Selecting a Roofing Company”.

A roofing project’s success depends on the guys you hire, so you know how important it is to work with a reputable company. The roof is more than just a structure that protects the building and its residents.
As a property manager, it’s your job to guarantee the tenant’s comfort and convenience. When the attic or ceiling leaks and rats find their way inside through the roof, you’ve got a serious problem on hand. The last thing you need is a line of residents or tenants complaining about those things.

A handyman or general contractor can fix minor problems, i.e., missing shingle, clogged gutters, and sagging roof deck. But when you’re faced with issues that require a major repair job or replacement, you turn to an experienced and licensed roofing company.
How do you find an experienced local roofing contractor? Your job starts by learning what you should look for in your list of prospects. Finding viable candidates is the easy part – the challenge lies in selecting which among the companies in your list deserves the roofing repair or installation contract.

5 Things To Consider when Selecting a Roofing Company

Property managers like you must factor in these things:

1 – Roofing company: License and Insurance

This is non-negotiable. Never compromise on these two in the hope of saving money by hiring a cheap contractor. A local roofer with no license means it doesn’t have the qualifications to obtain one. There’s no sense in operating as an unlicensed roofer when you realize that everyone else gets theirs to become legitimate contractors.
Letting an unlicensed contractor fix or install a roof on a building or property you manage is like playing with fire. When something goes wrong, you’re only putting yourself in a precarious situation; you’re also placing your job as a property manager at risk.
The absence of liability insurance means the property owner is likely to cover the costs of repair in case of damage to the building. The same applies to hospital expenses due to an injury suffered by a worker. So, license and insurance are not just options, but requisites when selecting a roofing company.

2 – Keep your Eyes on The Contract

Put everything into writing. There’s no such thing as a verbal agreement between a property manager and a contractor hired for a roofing project.
Take your time in describing every detail on ink because it will serve as your protection from possible breach of the contract. Anything that’s written and signed becomes a legal proof against the failure to deliver the necessary services.
While the roofer produces the contract, your job is to scrutinize every provision. Pay particular attention to the start date and the estimated completion date. Be sure to account for all the expenses and materials listed.
Signing the dotted contract puts you and the contractor at a bind; it means you agree and consent to all the details written inside. So, before you sign it, be sure you’ve read it at least a couple of times.

3 – Comprehensive Experience in Roofing Services

Not all roofers are created equal. As much as you prefer to hire a company because you played football with the owner in high school, you can’t be subjective or personally attached to this decision.
The one thing that counts the most is the experience of the roofing contractor. Many local roofers handle residential roof repair and replacement, but do they have some experience in roofing projects involving buildings and commercial properties?
There’s a considerable difference between fixing or replacing a roof on an average house and an apartment or building complex.
Experience matters because it tells you that the roofer is less likely to make costly mistakes along the way. Since they’ve done it before, they know how to be successful at it.

4 – Nature of Service when Choosing a Roofing Company

Roofing contractors differ in the manner of fulfilling a job. Some companies choose to work with subcontractors. Others hire day-labour workers, and the well-establish ones have enough people in their payroll to get the job done.
Some property owners and managers don’t care about how the service is delivered, but you should pay attention to it. The reason is that you’re looking at the long-term effect of a topnotch and reliable service. A roofing company that relies on day-labour and temporary workers isn’t likely to be as dependable.

5 – Future Upkeep

Consider future repair and maintenance needs when you’re about to choose a roofing contractor. As a property manager, your job doesn’t end after the project. Ask your prospects about service guarantee, material or product warranty, and emergency services.
Work with a company that offers ongoing support because you’ll need it sooner or later. It’s a lot more convenient to have one roofer handling all your future maintenance and repair needs instead of going over the tedious job of finding another contractor.
A property manager is responsible for the comfort and welfare of the people residing and renting in the apartment complex, building, or commercial space. Part of that responsibility is taking care of the building, including the roof. Hiring a licensed and experienced roofing company assures that you fulfill this duty.

Vancouver roofing

How Colour Affects Your Roofing Choice In Vancouver

As you drive through your Vancouver neighbourhood, the colour of a roof is probably the last thing on your mind. In fact, you will probably only notice a roof if it’s out of place or doesn’t look right. Well, allow us to explain why you should mind about your roofing in Vancouver. Yes, the roof colour in Vancouver tends to blend into the background of the landscape, but did you know your home’s roofing colour affects your home in more ways than one? In this blog post, we explore why the colour of your roof matters.

Vancouver Roofing: Light or Dark Colours?

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer to which is better: light roofs or dark roofs.Ultimately, the best roof colour for your home is the one you like the best and the one that fits in with your neighbouring roofs. But there is a little more than just aesthetics when it comes to roofing colour choices in Vancouver.

How Roof Colour Reflects or Absorbs Heat

Did you know roof colour affects your home’s internal temperature?  In general, light-coloured roofs reflect away heat from the sun, while dark-coloured roofs absorb much of that heat and transfer it into the rooms below.
Obviously, if you have a lighter-coloured roof, your home absorbs less heat through the roof during summertime. As a result, your air conditioner operates more efficiently, uses less energy, and leads to lower utility bills.
In contrast, a dark roof likely raises the temperature inside your home’s highest rooms. Your cooling system works harder to compensate for the extra heat, and your bills slowly rise.
However during the colder months, the reverse is true. A dark roof brings in more heat from the sun than a light roof. This feature makes dark roofs advantageous in colder climates with long winters and short summers.
Thankfully in Vancouver we live in a temperate climate which means that there aren’t as hug fluctuations in temperature as there are in other cities. In Toronto, for example, you get extremely humid summers and bitter cold winter months.
In Vancouver, we’re more likely to have worry about the colder months but we are also seeing hotter summers in recent years so we may seem lighter roofs becoming more popular.
Or course, colour isn’t the only aspect of your roof that affects home temperature but it is a larger factor.
The roofing material also affects how your roof reflects or absorbs the sunlight. For example, asphalt shingles are less reflective than metal or rubber roofing. This quality means even tan asphalt shingles may welcome more heat into your home than a dark brown metal roof.

How Roof Colour Affects Snow Melt

Now, let’s consider how snow, another huge factor affects the equation. Because dark roofs absorb more heat, they can also help melt snow but does it actually help enough for you to take into consideration?
First, consider Vancouver has fewer sunny daylight hours during the cold winter months. And less sunlight exposure means less sun beating down on a roof and less time for the roof to absorb that heat.
Next, remember that even dark-coloured roofs may not actually appear black during the winter because they’re covered in snow. Snow actually reflects much of the sunlight before it can reach the roof so the dark roof underneath cannot absorb heat and melt the snow. This means dark-coloured roofs may have a small snowmelt effect but not a sizeable one.
Similarly, if your roof experiences winter problems like ice dams, your roof colour probably isn’t the primary culprit. More likely, insufficient attic insulation and poor roof ventilation create the problem.


Which part of your roof gets the most sunlight? Does the front of your home face north? Is the sun blocked by taller buildings or maybe you are high up on a hill? Sunlight can affect the appearance of your roof. Because of how far north we are in the hemisphere, the sun can bring out cool, blue hues while in southerly regions, roofs can appear more orange. These variations can completely change the look of a roof.

Roof Design

the architectural style and materials of your home should be kept in mind when deciding on a roof colour. Also what colour roofs are your neighbours?
Your home will look awkward if your roof sticks out like a sore thumb in your neighbourhood. There might actually be homeowner associations or subdivision rules about how your roof should look so remember to check with your neighbours before doing any major work.
Lastly, You should keep in mind that, like paint in a room, dark roofs make a home look smaller and light colours make a home look larger.

Last Thoughts in Vancouver Roofing

If you have the budget, advances in modern roofing material technology mean you can likely find a colour your like in a roofing material that suits your taste without worrying too much about heat or coolness.  However, if you just want to stick with the traditional materials you should think about
Cambie Roofing will bring you shingle samples to your home for you to view the colour next to your brick or siding. This makes the decision extremely simple as you can visualize how it will look.
Homeowners should be smart and do research when searching for a roofer who can correctly advise you on how to proceed. It could save you money and prevent a whole lot of trouble if you find a roofer that you can trust and who will do the job properly the first time around.
If you need a roof replacement from a reputable contractor, call our team at Cambie Roofing. We are happy to help with any questions you may have.  We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roofing repair needs.

Beautify Your Rooftop Balcony

4 Tips On How To Beautify Your Rooftop Balcony

Rooftop patios or terraces are great getaway spots to host parties or family gatherings, especially in the summer when the weather is hot and the days are long.  In this blog post, we want to give you some ideas for how to make the best of your rooftop patio.
Even if your rooftop balcony isn’t large, there are some great options to make it an inviting place and a perfect place just to lounge about. By choosing the right furniture, décor, and accessories, your rooftop patio will be the envy of all.

  1. Show Off Your Views As Much As Possible

The entire reason to have a rooftop patio is to show off your view of the surrounding area. Whether that is for fireworks or just to see the city lights, you should arrange your rooftop patio in away to accommodate the view.
One option is to put in glass rails or panels so it won’t obstruct anything. Also, be sure you’re not getting in the way of the view when placing furniture, awnings or umbrellas.
An alternative possibility is using a glass enclosure. Although they’re more expensive, they’re also very worth the investment, especially since it will allow you to use your terrace year-round. Additionally, this will help the space capture more light, giving it the appearance of being more spacious.

  1. Choose The Right Furniture

You’ll have to think about the furniture that you’re going to use to decorate your rooftop patio. Make sure the furniture you buy matches to give a unified look to your outdoor space.
Hammocks and hanging chairs are very common for terraces, and for good reason – the are extremely comfortable. If you don’t have a lot of storage space available, we recommend choosing folding chairs and lounge chairs, and hammocks. That way, when you have to store them for the winter, they’ll hardly take up any space.
If you are particularly crafty, you could also consider making the furniture yourself, which is very common in rest and relaxation areas. Pallets are great for this project; you just have to sand them before using them. If you like its natural colour, you won’t even have to paint or coat them.
You’ll want to choose materials and a design that are made to last. Higher pitched roofs tend to last longer.  Also, keep in mind that some materials need more care than others, so think about that before buying. You’ll also want to consider the material. Natural fibres like rattan or wicker tend to look great outdoors. They add a simple and very natural touch.

  1. Using The Right Accessories On Your Rooftop Patio

We touched on this but in this section, we’ll dive a little deeper into how you should place your furniture and other objects. This is especially difficult if you have bulky furniture or space is limited. However, if you set up a small space well, it will make it look more spacious than it really is.
If you are one of the lucky ones to have a large rooftop balcony, you can try to divide it into the following sections:
Lounging area: you can use sofas, hammocks, chairs to gather with friends and family. Umbrellas will shade you from the harsh sunlight.
Eating area: set up chairs, sofa, some cushions, and a low table to have an afternoon snack, lunch or dinner.
Garden area: plants and trees are fundamental to greenify your rooftop patio. They will make your rooftop patio look natural and colourful.
Dividing: If you have enough space, you can divide your rooftop patio or terrace into zones which will give it a beautiful clean and organize look.
It’s important to keep the area tidy and in order so it’s inviting and appealing to your guests.

  1. Accessories Are Important

When it comes to accessorizing your Rooftop Balcony, some extras you can add are pergolas, umbrellas or awnings. Sunlight hits rooftops more directly, so it’s important to protect yourself from the elements, especially if you plan to use them during the middle of the day.
Another thing we can add to our terrace are textiles, like cushion covers, which are essential accessories for the rooftop. You might also want to consider rugs, which are great for the rest and relaxation area. Just remember to take anything inside that you don’t want to get wet.
Lastly, consider light bulbs as they make great decorations and can allow you to stay late into the night even when the sun fades. You don’t have to get buy fancy or expensive lights but a few well placed soft-glow lights can really make a difference to the space.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, decorating your Rooftop Balcony doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to set it up in a way that takes advantage of the space and choose a decorative style that matches your tastes and, preferably, your home’s interior.
If you have a rooftop patio, you should make sure that it is well maintained by having a roof inspection at least once a year to ensure that you enjoy the space for years to come.
If you need a roof replacement from a reputable contractor, call our team at Cambie Roofing. We are happy to help with any questions you may have about rooftop patios.  We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roofing needs.