Would A Tesla Roof Be Economical In Vancouver?, tesla roof in vancouver

Would A Tesla Roof Be Economical In Vancouver?

In this blog post we will discuss Tesla solar roofs and would it be economical in Vancouver – especially during the dark and rainy winters.

Electricity is important to operate all the appliances in your home, especially today when we are dealing with ever-chainging technology that takes up more and more energy to operate. As a reuslt, we commonly rely on the electricity in our home and business more and more. It actually has became a basic need for all of us.

But when we all need the utility capability of electricity, we are also tired of the electricity bill that comes monthly and are rising every time. Using only one source of power will cost you heavy and also can leave your hand when you need it the most. There are many issues that can happen to the conventional electric power line. The better solution for power is solar energy.

Solar Power System

Sunlight gives a lot of energy to our planet, nuturing life, but as humans, we are not able to capture and use it completely. As part of nature, solar power panels are the best way to collect the pure energy from sun and utilize it.

The energy of the sun, if we are able to harness it correclty can fulfil most of the plant’s needs like heat, light, and other electricity dependent needs. Solar energy is derived from the sunlight and this will not only lead to reduce your electricity bill but also provides us with a clean, reusable source of power.

When we are using a lot of conventional electricity which runs on fossil fuels, it leads to many health and environmental issues, distroying our planet in the process. In addition, fossil fuels are getting harder to extract from the Earth which leads to the rising of electricity bills. Using solar energy to power your building is a much more economical source of energy.

Tesla Solar Roof

This leads us to one of the most innovative companies of our time: Tesla and their new roofing system. The Tesla roof is a beautiful solar roof with a seamless design that complements your home’s natural aesthetic styling.

Tesla solar roof tiles are durable, strong, and engineered for all-weather protection. It also comes with a 25-year warranty and will produce clean energy for your home for decades to come. Solar roof combined with Tesla invention provides maximum solar production efficiency.

A great feature, unlike any other roof, is that it will continue to be improved with each wireless software update—monitoring and optimizing this system from anywhere with instant alerts and remote access. You can easily power your home at the lowest price per watt of any national provider.

It is economical in Vancouver as it will save money by only one-time installation charges for a long run that means less costly than the conventional electricity. Tesla roof will provide you with solar energy that means your building will use less fossil fuels and become more energy efficenct.

Tesla Roof in Vancouver

Vancouverites and people around the world are installing Solar panels which is increasing the demand and decreasing the price accordingly. Tesla solar roofs are an expensive option and not yet available in Vancouver, but perhaps they will be one day soon.

As of 2019 unveiling, Tesla’s senior director of energy operations explained that Tesla is installing retrofit solar panels in 25 states, and it will be offering the roof in all of those states. The goal, however, is to expand across the country with both the company’s internal teams and third parties.

However, with COVID and global supply chain issues, there has not been much progress. (Especially with Elon Musk focused on other areas of his business.) At the moment, Tesla’s website accepts orders for its retrofit solar panels in these States:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Massachusets
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington State

When we can eventaully order them, the real question is are they worth it in Vancouver’s rainy environment? Thankfully the modern solar roof that Tesla solar has designed gets more energy from less sunlight and stores it to power your whole building.

There are many people who understand the benefits of Tesla solar roof and installing it. No doubt, it is costly than other solar panels but it is a one-time cost and worth the investment if you consider the long-term benefits.

Here are the Reasons Why Tesla Roof Is a Worthy Investment in Vancouver

  • Good for the environment

Conventional energy is harmful for the environment because it runs with fossil fuel that contributes to air, water pollution and global warming. Whereas, solar energy is a natural resource that is good for economical or environmental and harnessing the power of sun is the cleanest, safest, renewal choice.

Cost effective energy source- Solar energy is highly reliable because sun is a renewable natural source of energy. Sun charges nothing for providing sunlight but, fossil fuel does. Fossil fuels are expensive and will eventually run out. Solar panel is several times more costly than electrical energy but, one time installation of solar equipment is all that needed to reap the benefits.

  • Saves money

Tesla solar roof is economical in Vancouver because It saves money by reducing the electricity bill that comes monthly and rises eventually. It needs only one time installation and needs no frequent, ongoing, and expensive obligation. Installing it will directly save your money over time and will also save planet from pollution and global warming.

  • Increase economic growth

Tesla solar system spurs economic growth by increasing the job facility in Vancouver. Solar energy industry creates jobs 17 times faster than any other industry.

Promotes energy independent- Solar energy system especially paired with a backup battery system promotes energy independent when you need energy the most. When you just use the conventional energy and no other source of powering your home, there are variety of issues that happen. The issues that can event be like bad weather or damage to power lines.

Final words

The solar electrical panel system is better and attractive in every way than most other forms of energy. People believe that installing solar roofs is expensive but the cost is coming down and one day, perhaps, it will be the same price as a normal asphalt roof.

And when that moment comes, Tesla solar roofs will be there. They are well designed and will provide a great resource in the long run. This state-of-the-art solar system is economical, lowers monthly running costs, has increased reliability, and uninterruptible power supply. For professional Roofing, Call us at Cambie Roofing.

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